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My Celebrity Crush

Chapter 2 He's a Jerk

Word Count: 1033    |    Released on: 05/08/2021


" I sh

an't b

y one of my dreams then I

, But Hell no! I am not dreaming right now, the Almighty R

d to where he was standing

ness gr

s r

aming nor ha

Rodney Shaw- th

ushing me away bu

ream com

be embracing Rodney right now

n his chest. Suddenly, I was brought out of my thought when someone


s" I yelped

tructured face. We stared at each other's face for what seems like forever. And after a

muttered, while w

e done is to say "Hi".

eaned myself before draggi

colleague greet

the greeting wit

t now. But hold on, what the heck was he doing in this neighborhood. He's not

shoulder and I jerk

a was stil

u zone out?

thinking abo

led and sh

Alicia" I re

big eyes on me

y when you do that" I t

n, she truly cares about me and I do appreciate that most times. But telling her I was embarrassed by the guy

ff wears and heade

top thinking about my encounter with Rodney

o arrogant but I never believed it until today

his morning wa

ged him tight to myself, maybe he wouldn't have pushed me away had

loud when I re

g me to land my ass o

mers gaze were on me. "What's up with them? " oh

they all continued wi

to leave, feeling

I bumped into Alicia. Thank goodness the ho

"I gr

icia quickly apologiz

to myself before leavin

he customers their orders and all of


sprang on my feet and steppe

s, standing glo

saw this face this morning but it was not as handsome as this one I am staring at

re in this old fashioned

him that I didn't even

ight before her-Only a blind p

led as soon as

re to a

e to arrest me for jumpi



I took my eyes to somewher

on him but he seems less bothered

started approaching where

est me for jumping on him this mornin

. You ar

ped n

glued to the tiled floor and my h

ss.. What

e I caus

n inch away fr

s so intensed tha

tween us, without removin

e finally ordered, in a co

he'd just said. And immediately I processed it, I s


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