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AVA: The Alpha king Princess

Chapter 72 ~72 ~

Word Count: 1608    |    Released on: 01/12/2021

look at you" The king Alpha had beckoned on

llas. For a moment there, I thought he didn't like me from the


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1 Chapter 1 ~prologue 1~2 Chapter 2 ~prologue 2~3 Chapter 3 ~Ava~4 Chapter 4 ~total jerk~5 Chapter 5 ~6 Chapter 6 ~the party~7 Chapter 7 ~can we be friends ~8 Chapter 8 ~breaking the rules~9 Chapter 9 ~hello ladies~10 Chapter 10 ~my request ~11 Chapter 11 ~play his game ~12 Chapter 12 ~walk with me ~13 Chapter 13 ~sundress ~14 Chapter 14 ~too good to be perfect ~15 Chapter 15 ~rivals ~16 Chapter 16 ~confession ~17 Chapter 17 ~Rendezvous ~18 Chapter 18 ~Athlete ~19 Chapter 19 ~desires ~20 Chapter 20 ~point of contact ~21 Chapter 21 ~break his heart ~22 Chapter 22 ~an addiction ~23 Chapter 23 ~bloodshot eyes ~24 Chapter 24 ~guilt ~25 Chapter 25 ~scent ~26 Chapter 26 ~ 26 ~27 Chapter 27 ~27 ~28 Chapter 28 ~28 ~29 Chapter 29 ~29 ~30 Chapter 30 ~30 ~31 Chapter 31 ~31 ~32 Chapter 32 ~32 ~33 Chapter 33 ~33 ~34 Chapter 34 ~34 ~35 Chapter 35 ~35 ~36 Chapter 36 ~36 ~37 Chapter 37 ~37 ~38 Chapter 38 ~38 ~39 Chapter 39 ~39 ~40 Chapter 40 ~40 ~41 Chapter 41 ~41 ~42 Chapter 42 ~42 ~43 Chapter 43 ~43 ~,44 Chapter 44 ~44 ~45 Chapter 45 ~45 ~46 Chapter 46 ~46 ~47 Chapter 47 ~47 ~48 Chapter 48 ~48 ~49 Chapter 49 ~49 ~50 Chapter 50 ~50 ~51 Chapter 51 ~51 ~52 Chapter 52 ~52 ~53 Chapter 53 ~53 ~54 Chapter 54 ~54 ~55 Chapter 55 ~55 ~56 Chapter 56 ~56 ~57 Chapter 57 ~57 ~58 Chapter 58 ~58 ~59 Chapter 59 ~59 ~60 Chapter 60 ~60 ~61 Chapter 61 ~61 ~62 Chapter 62 ~62 ~63 Chapter 63 ~63 ~64 Chapter 64 ~64 ~65 Chapter 65 ~65 ~66 Chapter 66 ~66 ~67 Chapter 67 ~67 ~68 Chapter 68 ~68 ~69 Chapter 69 ~69 ~70 Chapter 70 ~70 ~71 Chapter 71 ~71 ~72 Chapter 72 ~72 ~73 Chapter 73 ~73 ~74 Chapter 74 ~74 ~75 Chapter 75 ~75 ~76 Chapter 76 ~76 ~77 Chapter 77 ~77 ~78 Chapter 78 ~78 ~79 Chapter 79 ~79 ~80 Chapter 80 ~80 ~81 Chapter 81 ~81 ~82 Chapter 82 ~82 ~83 Chapter 83 ~83 ~84 Chapter 84 ~84 ~85 Chapter 85 ~85 ~86 Chapter 86 ~86 ~87 Chapter 87 ~87 ~88 Chapter 88 ~88 ~89 Chapter 89 ~89 ~90 Chapter 90 ~90 ~91 Chapter 91 ~91 ~92 Chapter 92 ~92 ~93 Chapter 93 ~93 ~94 Chapter 94 ~94 ~95 Chapter 95 ~95 ~96 Chapter 96 ~96 ~97 Chapter 97 ~97 ~98 Chapter 98 ~98 ~99 Chapter 99 ~99 ~100 Chapter 100 ~100 ~