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The Rejected Hybrid

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 1408    |    Released on: 02/08/2021

hey all concluded, it was better but having your own father who caused your

gh!!!" the beta's mate chipped

be her mate?...that person is so unlucky, she is surely go

Luna Elf spoke out for the first time and my hear

ust that it is more miserable and shameful, you would forever be a disgrace, any alpha who finds

gaze fell on the alpha King's eyes, it was

I would

s words before I lose

ring it, he want


l bucket of water drenched my whole body,

me and saw it was one of the guard, the flo

ss filled me, my head hurts so badly, it wa

work, do you think fainting can save you???" I h

call what brought me here and right now he mentioned f

ster!" The voice went louder and echoed in

pounding of my head increased after the knock and I fel

n empty room, I shut my eyes and tool a deep breath befor

orner of the room then I fo


tared at the guards wit

I asked and got no reply as they all walked out

ing up, my stomach grumbled both from hunger and the scent tha

t least I was bound in here, here is just the worst place anyone would be kept, staying he


over to the plates on the table and that was when all that hap

request the alpha should banish me off the pack, she had said it and I could remember the Al

k that

nged the empty plates together, hot tears was rolling freely, why would they

s, my side of the story isn't n


ty plates before returning for the ones w

my stomach wasn't fully filled up but that isn't what I care about, I was even forcing myself to eat the food, I w

my eyes as I dropped

ide, the alpha and Luna would would be in the palace addressing to issues, other would be rea

stream enjoying with their wolf form, oh yes...even the alpha's children would be in the garde

themselves freely with no worries, it breaks my heart, the last time I tried sneaking out, I instantly regretted it,

I bled and felt intense pain, it was clear I was a disgrace and

elieved including all

om and head to the bathroom, sinking myself into the rusty bath

wake and meet them In the palace, maybe my dad must have even called a meeting of the generals

is life so

ld, after some minutes, I was done bathing, getting to my r


soothsayer to know something bad was going to happe

.." I mumbled with fear, my

ocking, it would only lead to another round

time to bath???"

ace, don't dare to waste a minute!" Another growled w

terror swept through me,

ity, he is gonna make me a rogue for

at is about to happen to her!" The last guard grumbled and

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