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I Still Adore You

Chapter 4 Could it be Richard

Word Count: 914    |    Released on: 31/07/2021

ys,bathing darkness with light. His heart clenched and his muscles corded as her hands came up to his chest. H

shouldn't want to dip deep and claim her heart-shaped pink lips again. He should

's where h

r trust her enough to

sition? Eager top rip off each other's clothes off and let the feelings they had for each other consume them in a splendid,he

hat had gotten hi

g with his mind and the future they woul

because Melissa was bad for him,and he k

in her composure,and then

now where to fin

o follow speeding t

to be",she said.

is watch. "At elev

ch conviction. She was eithe

or an appoint

m". Her face morphed for a spilt sec

u come back

. I'm not stayin

u wanted to talk

s mist

t her

t have gone to the ranch. Richard will be li

n't being truthful? There was no way to shield him now. Not after what sh

y anniversary for me?" She asked,and he'd almost forgotten abo

nvestigation out of the papers,but Colin assumed that everyone knew his parents had died. He glanced d

ze as if what he was about t

one"he man

ed appropriate under the circumstances. She shouldn't

x of the O'Brien boys. He was more like family and was taking the murder investigation even more personally as a result of how much he cared for th

,and she looked stunned.

intention of f

't know?" He asked, surprised,his

m so much that she'd completely cut herself off any news about Bluff? Ab

d he figured she was about to make something up. "Galveston". She ta

ions,saying over and over that it was about time there was a little me estrogen at the table. Mom had said that after b

e figured out what he was thinking before her defense flared. "I always cared about your

ehind her eyes that he couldn't qui

something abou

ven know his parents wer

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