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My Other Half

Chapter 3 The Araneta

Word Count: 1278    |    Released on: 16/09/2021


ere at exactly 6:00 in the morning. What time is i

's hard to put my disguise?

I'm in traffic, "I whispered to him, but he just left

and even the manager, who looked down on me, so I just signed peace

because they won't be on stage yet, "said their manager, who I just bowed and looked at the perso

s disgusting," he said to me while still closing hi

ut we'll be there at 9:00. But look at the time. It is 7:00. We only have 30 minutes more, so we have time to fix it. " Frankneil de

, you are defending her. Congratulations! Well, you were right about that Neil

eard him whisper and he took the he

it rude, and his personality is mysterious. It's not just because he's

erd. I had a mirror that was quite big, a scarf around my neck, a lon

n, because we were already here in Araneta, where the concert would be held. There are so many reporters

greeted us, so I just closed my eyes

protect me from the lighting coming from the repor

l judgmental. Every move is judged, especially in the realm of the world of artists. They have true fans. They won't leave y

she would support you but didn't. Nor will the bashers disappear. Bashers

ause even if you do the right th

ssips and gossips because instead of themselves, they are inter

just like the ones we've been through before,

nd second voice/piano enthusiast Josh are also not to be missed. And their vocalist

me. Like what the fucking fuck? " F

s up my boss. He just looked up at me, so he didn’t notice that I was staring at him while a

d, as he folded the sleeve of his shirt. The manager told me to follow her, a

t you're sleepy, hehehehehe!" I said, laughing, to the four bec

ll handle this, " Johnathony said rudely to me

yelled at them, who were laughing at the four,

sat down, I saw the various managers, PAs, and artists. This is the advantage of PAs like m

n all of a sudden all the lights

till have a headband that lights up, but their brand is BAND OF WAR. Band of War is the name of their band because the

ter he said that term, he motioned to the drummer, Goldwyn. While Frankneil and

oil of pain. His or her lover sees this in heaven and sings this song, telling her or him not to give up, urging her or him to see once again the beauty of li

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