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Human mermaid

Chapter 3 Review two

Word Count: 800    |    Released on: 22/07/2021


ly as the king sat in the middle of two dea

of the village, yet the traditions were beyond him. He had seen men li

ditions of a crown princess given out to the prime minister. Because it was believed he would ta

e had seen it in her vision. The death of Queen Dowager and


Everyone in the village lived their lives as if nothing happened bu

rst queen was troubled and the death was

as E

t 7 days and preparations were already taken place. She'd have

low, the whole time. They dare not raise th

She was a princess from 'Rwanda' being married to a king in 'Burun

worshipped around. The guards bowed before let

ager. Your

priestess was putting on a white dre

The queen started, he

not to be told

turned back to the goddess. It was

r eyes and pr

flapping at their backs. She prayed

een go

MMON ME.'Her ca

lem, great one" The priestes




turned to Dowager expecting her

was the day, princess Eloise was to be betroth

nd she sat quietly on her bed. The prin

king her presence know

him, mother" She

t is why

pecting that,

ow do you a

ve a

, just the drums being played at the palace were heard. The three guards

s and clothes. She looked beautiful and she had a fairer skin. Santiana wondered who the str

r away from the village. Do not worry, she is my frien

ars and lifted her

, baby. I love you and will always will. I'll be in tou

rned a

ng normal. Not a goddess, nor a princess of the sea or a pri


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