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Still Loving You ( Kobe & Camilla)

Chapter 4 Failed To Seduce Him

Word Count: 1412    |    Released on: 18/07/2021

d be patient if the author t






ediately noticed him annoyed while looking for something inside t

l be cooked, do you know how to cook? You seem to

igerator. My eyes searched, I saw some meats in the freezer and fre

the refrigerator, maybe you don't know anything abou

you?" I replied nervously. He didn't s

irst." he just answered

caldereta I need to hurry for Kobe to come back cooked. It's fully equipped here because it has a pressure cooker so it's easier. I know how to cook because

come and seen that I wasn't ready yet. But I’m

anged her food. I smiled as I watched the food

you smil

o top. The towel was slung over his shoulder so I was free to examine his whole body. But I immediately averted

e flat stomach, after what they call abs. But

st go up to my room." I counted the answ

when I'm at home. But only until you think about it,"

when I caught him smiling a little when he tasted what I had cooked. It looks like cooking

ressed by the beauty of its interior. I lay down on the soft bed and fe

me, that's how my eyes rolled when I saw Kobe in shape. Because it

ck and sat down becaus

. Next time you close," he

y, I wa

" he

ut to say. I followed him with my gaze until he got

r, I just closed the gate because there was no o

my plan I need to get pregnant no matter what happens, even if I'm nervous about what I

d I tried to open Kobe's room but it was locked so

etty sexy dress. A black spaghetti strap dress and it didn’t reach m

door being opened. I stood up an

you doing there

use the other light was off, the l

you." I replied nervous

ou're attracted to me by that situation?"

ole body from my f

d to wearing," I explained whi

Our bodies were so close that I could feel him squeez

re doing this. But if it's just a game you want I'

ecially when I inhaled the mixture of the

cause I suddenly felt nervous especially since hi

plied in a cold tone and re

t a mi

be quiet, I felt sad. It was an annoying

and entered my room, I peeked at Kobe’

rd and I left the door open so that if Kobe

when I felt the weak caress on the arm, Ko

t he ignored it because I j

Kobe's lips on my neck and chest. So is it

ispered to me which sent a s

ing. He slowly removed my dress that had fallen to the floor and stared at

felt like I had a fever. His breath on my neck delivered a tickle

my room," he spoke

at he was supposed to do. I immediately picked up my dress a


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