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The Billionaire's Addiction

Chapter 3 003.

Word Count: 1554    |    Released on: 21/07/2021

sa H

y is to lie in my bed and laze around the house all day long. But I have to work, Callie had already w

o called me Aly, and it was special whenever she did that, she r

e stood and kissed her forehead. "Did you s

sked and I smiled, she was too sweet and anyo

ut I have to go and see if I can get another part-time job that can let me work at least two times in day, I don't mind if they pay me weekly." I've thought of it overnight before coming out to talk to Callie about

ard Aly." Callie soun

fferent things around the house. You'll soon finish the dosag

r head. "I'm fine and not depressed anymore." I knew she

ng to how he's stated that you should." I told her in a stern voice and she kept c

room and went to my room

ke I'm hurting her because the next thing she does after disagreeing to something she wants is to cry. I walked back to the living room to peep through the

, I had to attend

sole her before

y Mo

nch when Carlo's call came in, it's been a while we talked and I wondered why he j

rled the pen that was in between m

to my schedule for the day and I have a night out with my twins, I promised to ta

ith the twins." I told him and

I wondered why he was h

you wan

ng the twins along with you." I was surprised when he said that. The one Carlo Morris I was familiar wi

'll let you know when I'm free which won't even be an

d ended the call, he was rude — and that

goods he told me about the previous day, he asked for my pr

o Mo

y, I dropped my phone on the tab

y and ask for a date from a woman who already owns two children when I have man

ys looked for ways to turn me down,

Bitsy turned me down when Hadley —

ghs and legs, I would be lying if I said I wasn't attra

hed that killer smile at me

the table and turned to leave. She dropped her pen and bent in

ape of a A-list model, she's featured and modeled for my brand before I

er look like a goddess, she picked up her pen and swi

s given me signs before but

groin was getting harder a

and moved c

s. I knew she wanted it, she wrapped her arms round my neck a

office, what if someone walked into the offi

breast felt so soft as I dilated my eyes and stared lustfully at them. I unhooked

uld be a day I'd have Hadley on my table. She moaned a

nd our lips mov

I wasn't sure I want to h

ody, I could feel her panties getting wet already

from her grip and she

I buttoned up my already loosened shi

from the table and wore it back. She shot me a deadly gla

e saw how hard I was, I wan

er and she nodded in understanding, she wore back he

cing two fingers on m

but I enjoyed it." She

lked out, I rubbed my temple

ck to what just happened between Hadley and I a

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