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Revenge on the Billionaire

Chapter 3 Case Solved

Word Count: 1040    |    Released on: 13/07/2021

rivate detective she hired- Harry Doyle, was waiting for her. The location was a more serene part

ey texted her st

erved Jake di

< Go go,

oming back

ohoo, I’ll ar

hing over the

I promise (

probably have killed herself. Scarlet always lent an ear to her, lis

ey to lead the company, but the tragic events in her life had left his daughter too traumatized for the job. Scarlet had reluctantl

ar site for lovers’ meetings. There were couples of all age gap

ssed in a shabby suit and hat, he leaned on the bonnet of his old Toyota Priu

g voice. His stares always creeped Ashley out. But then

t gotten rid of your Prius

replied, tapping the trunk of the car with a

eased, leaning on the trunk bes

derer. If he had evidence, then she could bring them to the police. Jake

ut the paychec

a paper bag. Doyle extended his hand to rel

ollars. Tell me what you have di

you one better.

d invited Ashley in. He removed a laptop from a

e easy, doll. But you can st

being so ominous? W

ee for y

hree masked figures stood inside an empty garage which looked abandoned. Two men entere

abandoned garage in Alpine Hills.

That’s where Pa

ing,” Doyle

iting figures and deposited the loads on the floor.


ody is Tessa,” Doyle c

oat. Blood spewed out onto the floor, forming a puddle. The killing was not

und Tessa’s blood on my c

et knife started peeling off

ped her arms around herself to prevent from shaking. Doyle raised a

tch further? We can just

h it,” Ashle

ulprit was done with her face in the video. N

ties, the figure removed the

And without doubt, she could rec

rlet! Her

y. Her stomach lurched, and she felt queasy. Sh

What th

et did

’t be real. It’s

e a flash drive full of WhatsApp chats in which Scarlet had elaborate

nse! Scarlet was the one who sup

e evidence is damning. And enough for a conv

’s min

you have a backup of t


after loading it

first but finally d

e, passed Doyle the bag of

the data till midnight just in case you change your mind!

opped, she said,

y, she te

killed Tessa.

to dad

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