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You Are My Secret

Chapter 5 Pretty Mama

Word Count: 1314    |    Released on: 08/07/2021

rgery department. He looked around trying to see whom the boy was calling but he was alo

y who is estimated to be three years old sitting alone in the hallway of

the child exclaimed w

he doctor gently corrected th

me" the child proudly sai

not supposed to be here, where is y

ruptly explained and became sad that his sadness hit the doctor by surprise. He was rendered

miled fondly at him, he didn't know what to respond, calling him his m

surely love you so much" the kin

" the child continued persistently ser

body, he is obviously from a rich family. He

be mom has reasons why he is not with you and your dada" the doc

tantly which startled him, he just gaped

or answered sincerely. No one could resist the char

ed the handsome doctor while he was s

the doctor sm

mama doc Bee, my pweytty mama. Am Theo" th

oo" Beam accepted the little ma

Bee?" Theo asked aga

buddy" Beam hugged the child and to his surp

o is this woman who doesn't love her adorable son, unless she is dead. His heart bleeds more for Theo with what he thought about his mother. He

Theo" Beam tries to correct t

a doc Bee. You wab Theo. Theo no mom" the boy ins

t be a mama but I can be a papa" Beam

weytty, doc Bee mama, Theo" the boy ins

f, he doesn't know whether he will laugh or

addy?" Beam asked

Theo answe

sadness on his face, Beam is so familiar with that sadness, it always adorned every child's face in the or

rd for Theo" Beam ju

y became heavy in his arms. He was about to check when he heard soft steady breaths comi

the hospital to inform the reception desk about the boy's wh

the pediatric department when

rvous girl abruptly stopped in fr

m asked the girl wearing a

tor" the girl answered and r

eye on him" Beam cannot contain his irritation towards the g

nd I didnt notice. I'll be doomed if his father know

and his mother?" Be

ry with his son. No one knew who Theo's mother was. She might be dead or they got divorced. I'm only w

ned his hold on Theo's small body and kissed the black hair of the sleeping boy. Beam

k you for finding and bringing

d you off" Beam gestures

nce of the hospital where

th a warm smile bowed at Beam after he settled the boy on the

he leaned down again

my number, here, please don't hesitate to contact me anytime if Theo needs someth

urse assured and apologized. Beam satisfactorily

he didn't know why but he was too affected with th


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1 Chapter 1 Sugar Baby2 Chapter 2 Black Message3 Chapter 3 Sugar Daddy4 Chapter 4 Fulfilled5 Chapter 5 Pretty Mama6 Chapter 6 Mama Bee7 Chapter 7 Invitation8 Chapter 8 Father And Son Talk9 Chapter 9 Unknown Treasure10 Chapter 10 Visiting the Past11 Chapter 11 The Boy's Love12 Chapter 12 Dada's Wife13 Chapter 13 Don't Miss the Winkie14 Chapter 14 Like Family15 Chapter 15 Time Well Spent16 Chapter 16 The Assistant17 Chapter 17 Unable to See Him18 Chapter 18 Painful Quest19 Chapter 19 Unexpected Visit20 Chapter 20 Live My Life21 Chapter 21 Road to Living22 Chapter 22 New Friends23 Chapter 23 Missing Mama24 Chapter 24 Torn Heart25 Chapter 25 Sick26 Chapter 26 The Return27 Chapter 27 Great Morning28 Chapter 28 Perfect Wife29 Chapter 29 Faithful Wife30 Chapter 30 Great Timing31 Chapter 31 Perimeter32 Chapter 32 The Bed Will Move33 Chapter 33 The Visit34 Chapter 34 The Threat35 Chapter 35 Insignificant36 Chapter 36 Theo's Love37 Chapter 37 Our Son38 Chapter 38 Sugar Baby39 Chapter 39 Life's Process40 Chapter 40 The Future Of The Past41 Chapter 41 Soup for Strength 42 Chapter 42 Termination43 Chapter 43 Parade of Stars44 Chapter 44 Uncertainty45 Chapter 45 Resignation46 Chapter 46 Mr.CEO47 Chapter 47 Unofficial Husbands48 Chapter 48 Alone49 Chapter 49 The Greys50 Chapter 50 Timely51 Chapter 51 Two Men52 Chapter 52 Long Night53 Chapter 53 Bracing the Impact54 Chapter 54 Bracing the Impact II55 Chapter 55 A Great Break56 Chapter 56 New Acquaintance 57 Chapter 57 New Ally58 Chapter 58 Taking Turns59 Chapter 59 Public Announcement60 Chapter 60 This is Us61 Chapter 61 Epilogue