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She Prince

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1102    |    Released on: 05/07/2021

mentioned a

ore the openi

market,Wan ke moves his eyeball to the left

elet placed on the table for sale acting like

yi who is talking to the shopke

of love knot sir,"t

ooking at the gentleman informs of him who is not paying any attention to his

er stone from his pocket and places it on the wooden table of the store,taking the bra

"the shopkeeper bows down a little tha

ecretly tries to figure out the one behind his brother's death by following the people whom he has a doubt on as they had grudges against the Wen ki

kes his seat on the only left empty table as Jin store is ways crowded, he looks around curiously to see whether someone is observing him but

voice of a man in the corne

get away to drink with him, holding her hand

one who always serv

ks by pointing at th

day,"Xu answers hu

his eyes never l

fussing around since noon," she re

oice came from and Xu giggles and walks away knowing what's going to

as others,"one of the man who is holdi

ey give way for him to walk towards the seat and placing his ri

front of him,the right side of his lips twitches up

ts letting go of the lady's hand he slams his a

front of him and looks at the lady who gets up from the seat and stand

" Wan ke states holding the cup in the air h

cup he raises it up in

lose?,"he a

ulders, moving the cup to his mouth he gu

en the words rang into his ears ,moving his gaze from the table he stares up at him.

ks with an evil smil

d raises the cup of win

ink until the five p

beside the table gasp in astonishment as no one has wo

his eyebrows at him victoriously as he w

t Wan ke he smiles "How can you dr...,"his head

lks towards the man who is drunk,he bends low and helps h

tting up from the seat he

bends her shoulder lo

d guides her to look straight " Seems like you

wers softly feeli

Miss...,"He smiles raising

ompletes the sent

hen Ms Xiang is pulle

ls at Wan ke glaring at him m

g man in front of him and walks forward giving a glance to Xiang making sure that she is okay with

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