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The Desire

Chapter 2 Kyle

Word Count: 1633    |    Released on: 29/06/2021

sexually charged. I was smiling

n business meetings that were intend

pulled me out of my desperation and gav

whole ne

ical paid leave. There was no further explanation since he didn't ask, then I was forwa

s place. It turns out that he was visiting and was from out of town about

you want. Take that vacation, did y

I had with my billionaire boss, then

inviting. But I told him that I will call h

tudent. Previously, I was dead on wanting an older man, then made

one month off. I finally called my college friend Jacqueline, who

hen one day she told me that she was taking an odd offer to be a sugar baby. S

t tell me you're g

at her greeting as

een calling me just to say they're gettin

ed and that was when she said that she will

" I asked

," Jacqueline repli

treat, th

w about t

lf an hour until we set

hearing one of my coworkers gossiped about the questionable yet very high-end an

companion. I know he won't mind that I'd spend the limit on the card, he had

to shreds when I didn't realize that I've reached the very po

o professional, it made me wondere

me this place. I'd li

s normal and as confident as I could, and hopefully, she gets what

er swiping my card and giving it back to me

e room then shows me where t

ced massage therapist will be waiting for you in the next room.

he peaceful aura, thinking that it was actually a very nice place. But I didn't expect to see a handsome ta

n start." He said smiling warmly. He was wearing a white spa

there, and took off my towel at the same time. But then he helped

s hands were working on my should

been ver

was thinking that it was not the place and j

u're amazin

arms. Then he continues down to my spine, folding m

g my inner thighs teasing his way between my legs inches away from my pussy. Then he poured mor

yself getting wet from his touches, but stay quiet just in cas

felt his hands were massaging my inner thighs

've been s

to him. But he stayed quiet and pour more lube or oil, at that time I didn't care. Then

feel?" he as



lay to my back. That was when I look at him and bit my lip, thinking I didn'

e smirked and put a warm da

eel he was pouring more oil on my navel. The sensational

please you." He whispered sexily in my ear and

my breasts and pinches my nipples sensually ma

y up to my thighs. Erotically massaging my wais

all areas of your body?" he asked softly while

se do

my bud while parting my pussy lips. Over and over

rubs my clit slowly, I could feel h

deep bre

when his finger was inside me and his other hand

o good at

d me with another finger thrusting in and

d on my arm and was about to

ly Ms. Jones, I'm not allowed to be pl

ating and said my apology for being too forward. But he

d let you

ped the table harder and bucked my

nk y

the soft fluffy towel and takes away

very w

ook another towel and dry his hand after

e more relaxing sessions and take the more thorough body massage." He winked and

trying the

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