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BLSC #2: His Secret Admirer

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 17/07/2021

a Co

ked to his side to see him drive away first. Sudden

begged and I

ack hugged me and I can ea


?" Aiden looked at Collin serious

o him and Collin nodded , he

thing you want" He said and I looked

er birthda

y" He a

you wan

he purse and bam.." He's exci

for me?" I aske

y friend.. I bet you will

tell you tomorrow" I said as

he nodded. Closing the window and driving away. I walked to the bowling

him and si

's p

t you're hurting

I chuckled and he turned to me with a serio

hy help him with Cy

dropping?" I as

he school , when he- You fucking like him Elena but why do you keep hurting yourself when I'm he

you know?

u since I entered college and you have y

ng to do? Tell hi

Why?" He asked seriously , lo

ill never happen is useles

nd you?" Collin aske

like that is stupid" I looked down to my fee

t I am everytime tim

I asked curious and di

iful blue eyes is full of hur

perfect for each oth

g to help him



an get close to him" I said


ou" I turned to

meone else but here I am still trying to reach this gir

did you kn

s ago" O

ly likes

but dumb" He answered a

llin" I glared at

dumb" Collin looked straigh

aid truthfully because I don'


I asked because I

n you know Aiden likes Cynthia?" Right.. Wh

rol it or choose who to fall in lo

lise that he's this kind and just.. so sweet. Why didn

ou're worth

ings like that so I bet every notes and things that I gave already throw

it when you know

for a

nd be yourself about lik

it's hurting me , I don't kn


n ordinary , why would a guy like him go for a girl like me

really outgoing. You're so wrong when yo

lier before I lay my eyes

e El


He looked at me seriously and suddenly I want

table might turn" I said and I sa


" I n

ena.. should

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