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BLSC #1: The Undercover Model

BLSC #1: The Undercover Model


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1018    |    Released on: 17/07/2021


d it was still dark. Taking out my phone, to check the time, it was 4.30

nd after this I work my muscle for 30 minutes. After 1 hour in the morn

fit all the time and exercise your body everyday. Don

hen I was a kid. I've worked hard to get that by mantaining my body and audi

s and I agreed for me to have 2 identities for my future, because it's

a dark brown wig, big glasses and baggy clothes that won't show my bod

ass." My brother Wil

ay!" I

pulled my ankle until half o

I shoute

30 minutes." I groaned and opened my eye

hat our family is gifted with art. My dad is a music producer , my

o I look pale, I put on my dark brown wig to cover up my light brown hair, taking my

ss." I patted my

" My mom pointed at the ap

ngel." My dad k


." I followed Will to his c

Kayla!" Will hissed a

use I was still sleepy, the ride to school

eyes. I opened the door and as usual he always drops me a

he building. The 7 Gold Life's children are entering the house, they're the

ake my books. Putting my bag inside the locker and heading to

y wrist. I raised my eyebrows waiting for him

rie?" He asked in an arrogant tone an

I answere

, I turned and found myself following one of the most popular guys

sked as I crossed my ar

" I looked

ent why do you need a tutor?" I asked

ask so many question?" He

e held my arm giving me a weird sensa

e no for an

else and besides your friends can teach y

tutor me Carlie

s Ca

r school. Let's just go to your hou

ause I know everyone is dying to tutor you right now Andre

ou won't like wha

e alone"

n get mad" He smirked and how

a popular kid, and the fact that you're Aaron Samuel's son w

ked through the sea of people. My mood ju

the ground, I heard laughs from the sides. I turned

ry n

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