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The Exclusive Sex Worker

Chapter 4 Acting weird

Word Count: 1117    |    Released on: 22/04/2021






nd mouth sealed when a

virgin?" Kara s

immediately but la

ou?" Kara asked, her

hool. But I already ended things with him a lon

change things. You need to loosen up a bit" kara said walking

you release up to thrice at mos

it and kept s

" Pink said a

ow you give m

cted taking the s

the table which

legs" she ins

did a

he table, clo

lso di

ment she felt something trying t

e your eyes in order to enjoy and understand what


her püssy. She felt it th

eel of it. She didn't even realize when she started moaning ou

n" she heard Kara's voice yell at her. She loos

sed as ma

was finally pulled

left her m

be doing it yourself

?" Pink aske

s time Pink didn't waste much time before fixing the sêx toy i


ill only train for a week, some train for a full month before fully joining

rain then?" Pink tu

ks" Tess

g have you been in that

years ago" T

ed to loo

's been so lo

ht?" Tess

of leaving the h

d the minimum years is four" Tess r

e club tonight, I hope to see a young prince charming or at least

ith an amazed eyes b


he supermarket close to the building they live i

rek standing in the sitting room which a pa

ed on Derek and the paper

to drop the bag of groceries with her. She went back to the

he rent bill?" Derek aske

off yesterday" Pink stutt

ell me? Why?"

yesterday but I was gonna

hat's a first"

u get the money?" De

o my already saved one, then I paid it off. I don't really need to

k si

he last time I checked, your part time job money put together ca

oing back into the kitchen with

out the club first before explaining to him about the bill. W


nding the night here durin

on that" Pink replied him bringing out

rek called h

ed to lo

aving weird. Do you have somet

I just need a helping hand here" Pink

ek wen

nna be joining the club at night. Mama Cassy was so s

ps and expensive sexy wea

a knock on

to the door and op

e smile

nt?" Derek grou

sister does now? The thing she ha

Derek drew

tion" Tess smiled walking closer to

been dying for a touch


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