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Who Could Love an Antagonist?

Chapter 4 4. He Can't Stay with Us!

Word Count: 1060    |    Released on: 10/04/2021

I saw Blake and

k at me with a terrified expression on his face. He had a gi

hat happened?" I aske

thing to do with this. Connor d

d he do that?"

om me. I stomped away myself and looked for Connor. I saw him by the wa

ion on her face. Connor whispered something in her ear, and she walked away, giving me a puzzled lo

you think? I liked Blake, and you fucked it up, asshole!" I pushed him, but he didn't

ng out for you," C

son?" I asked. I need him to tell me

Connor h

looked at him

ell you," C

as drunk and pissed off at Ansel and decided to take it out on me because Ansel took Jessica from him

moments, I spent the rest of my high school bitter and l

Tyler from my math class. He and I went on a date and had a great time, but then the week after that, he won't even

eatened me,"

" I demande

, you are fucking hot, and I liked spending time with you,

I stomped my way to Connor

iolence!" Con

all my dates away? Do you hate Ansel and

best friend. And I don't hate you either even t

e you scaring tho

ng you from them. They are

re was no way Connor Williams liked me. And

ay then? Hmm...?," his sparkling green eyes greeted m

hat if he really has some unrequited feelings for me, and this was the only way he could

so damn infuriating. No one asked me out after Tyler. After graduation, I couldn't wait to get to college and find a boyfrien

re. And when Ansel proposed, they started to get ready to have their fairy tale wedding. Everything was perfect

the pr

!?" I cried as soon

taught you to curse like this?" my mo

" I said r

t," mom said

house? Why can't he go to a hotel or stay inside the primat

eeds him here to do wedding stuff. We have plenty of rooms

bullshit!" I p

m warned

but you know I can'

ne gentleman. Intelligent, rich, hand

ndsome doesn't make him into an amazin

always this great. He was ki

!" dad yelled

uldn't be so hard on him," mo

...was I bei

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