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The Vampire Potion

The Vampire Potion

Author: Tassel

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Word Count: 1808    |    Released on: 31/03/2021


ith neighbors, everyone could notice the lightning above Hertford Manor. The people living in the lane next to Atrickvic Street couldn't hear the lightn

ok at the roof of other houses. And definitely not the manor belonging to Shier H

yes; she had stopped crying when she resigned herself to her life with her abusive father. She often

screaming your lungs out?" Shier asked, s

so boldly, he might just kill her. She didn't want to die at the tender age of eighteen. Despite the years of abuse she suffe

n Becca's hair. He grumbl

Her father had punished her greatly three days ago, which was why she was still limping in pain. Her room was the last

ards her barking happily. Becca picked the dog up in her arm

iha,” she mumbl

the balcony doors of her ro

ling and looked out at the storm. She could see the lightning abo

The snowfall was not only above her house, it was happening eve

the balcony. Whenever the snow would touch her skin, it would automaticall

ing to herself, just allowing her thoughts to drift freely on the wind. "Just a few days, Becca. In three days, you w

ss existence she was living right now. She got herself enrolled at the University of Rome. She was supposed to move int

hil Insworthe was waiting for his younger brother, Alexander as he was sitting on the sofa tapping his foot impatiently.

ng black coat, which reached down to his knee along with a pai

Phil?" he asked

pped down next to him. Phil could smell the metallic scent of fresh human

chuckled i

will be dangerous for us to survive. Why can't y

d his eyes to slide closed, "I cannot help my cravings

s the only reason he was not allowed to go to the human world like other vampires. But having his own b

er gave his attention to Phil, who continued, "I am the le

ferently? Who was it? Just t

nder and said, "Calm down for a second, no one told me

king and everyone

en the vampires, no one was elected to be the king. There

bility to gather our kind togeth

let out a sigh. "There is a way for me to be

an eyebrow. "And

t king of the vampires and attain all the powers a king should have. Everyone will call me the king," answered Phil. Hi

re that potion is?"

all the details. You just have to bring the

a human, then add insult to injury by having to stay in the human world. I h

e else is trustworthy in this case. Especially when it is a matter of being the

Vanessa? She lives amongst humans,

in everything. She is always chirpy." Phil continued, "Besides, I know you won't screw up. You will do anything f

n for a purpose other than slaking his thirst. Every time he

for the vampires. Someone else, whoever claims the potion may become

ou will become the king. I won't let anyone else take

u will do it?" Phi

sponding, "Yes, I will go to the human

him. He had nothing else to worry about anymore. Knowing Alexander

th," Alexander said in a promising tone, mea

Grace was the only one who had all the information about vampire

e here for more details on the potion," Pristine said,

es, not botherin

he file and saw a picture of a beautiful and simple girl. The thing which intrigu

does this simple-

ied, "The vam

otion. By looking at her, anyone could feel t

that person would try to look like the most

nquired Alexander as he finished re

ng else, I will inform

le, the only place which connected the vampire realm

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