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Marriage Contract: Love Game With CEO

Chapter 10 Stay Away From Him

Word Count: 1154    |    Released on: 30/05/2020

eside her on the driver's seat, Victor peered into Mary's eyes to desp

. Whatever the case may be, Mr. Qiao. I don't owe you any explanation for it, we don't

erned about her? Is it because I want to sympathize with her over the situation she has been put throug

," Mary said as she hurriedly gathered her things and unlock

esperation, Victor subconsciously grabbed M

ne, he immediately let go and took a

she sat right back next to him. She wanted to get this confrontation over with

his eyes focused on Mary's face to read even the sl

the Intoxicating South Restaurant Chain?" Mar

or blinked a few times in s

d was closely connected to her company in terms of business. Of course, s

Victor lightly chuckled as he rubbed his neck with his hands. 'You ar

raised her eyebrows. "Since everything is

k." As Victor requested, he turned the

had started the car, Mary relaxed back in her

tance from Frank. That guy is bad news." Victor couldn't

ly. 'I should just do what he says, so Victor refrains

ilence as Mary turned her back towards him to stare at the outside scenery. Sh

ublic Relations Department gets exhausted from having to cover up them." Mary subdue

ock as he maintained his focus on the road. "You work in the Public Relat

e, "I have dealt with a lot of problems, whose root cause was you. But I would usually mee

s, the paparazzi are getting more dedicated than usual. They would show up just about

hook her head in disapproval. She barely belie

. He then turned to face Mary and gave her a heartfelt smil

ile earnestly and waved him good

en her and himself grew each passing second. Once she was out of sight, he slumped back into his seat and sighed to himse

went to her office as

CEO's assistant, she had

even in the morning, Kevin greeted Mary

ously. "Kevin, can you please not call me Mrs. Lan? It's just...

t." Kev


revealing an expressionless William stand

as he raised his head up slightly and made his

. L

. L

d Kevin. He nodded towards them to acknowledge their greeting bef

trying to deduce what he meant by that. He had alre

ndered off towards where Wil

, we're not married for real.' She quickly turned her gaze away

bearing a pile of documents in his arms as he dropped them on Mary's desk an

ed the documents off the desk and into her arms. She gave her chest a light pat to sh

you s

flaunted him a big smile before she went ahead with h

glass window of his office and wat

hing happen to her and Victor last night?

am, interrupting his train of thought. "These are the company's financial statements for the first ha

," William said as he gave t

going o

poke. He then continued in a polite voice as he versed his words sl

udden request, then nodded as he understood the nex

you can go

imself as he thought, 'It seems Mr. L

f canteen was bustling more than usual with hushed whispers ech

ry's office began to ring at 12 o'clock before she d


're heading to the sta

from the other end as he blurted out the b

s as she moved back to stare at Will

ce at Mary from his office. Both of them made eye c

staff canteen, arm in arm. They caused a lot of heads to turn their way, and th

the CEO and

tic, they look so

me! He looks so elegant wa

your eyes clean from the false image you're all being force

y compliment the staff threw their way that

u thinking about?" William asked Mary in a

shook her head and forced on a bright

hought for a while, "From now on, avoid any means

ions as she pondered over his words. 'Victor asked me to stay away from

mustered up the courage to ask


ry's lips twitched as though she was mouthi

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1 Chapter 1 Marriage Registration2 Chapter 2 The Wedding Night3 Chapter 3 Pleasure Doing Business With You4 Chapter 4 Staying In The Same House5 Chapter 5 The Chinese Hamburger Event6 Chapter 6 Meeting Victor For The First Time7 Chapter 7 Making The Fake Marriage Public8 Chapter 8 Part-time Job At Night9 Chapter 9 The Past Faded Away10 Chapter 10 Stay Away From Him11 Chapter 11 Having A Meal Together12 Chapter 12 Hospital Visit13 Chapter 13 Meeting William's Father14 Chapter 14 The Grand Manor15 Chapter 15 Sleeping In The Same Room16 Chapter 16 An Unexpected Kiss17 Chapter 17 The Tie Is Crooked18 Chapter 18 Business Trip19 Chapter 19 A False Alarm20 Chapter 20 Sidewalk Snack Booth21 Chapter 21 Get Angry Again22 Chapter 22 Fawn On The Boss23 Chapter 23 Getting Into Trouble24 Chapter 24 The Entertainment Headline25 Chapter 25 Returning Home26 Chapter 26 The Angry Timothy27 Chapter 27 Taking Wedding Photos28 Chapter 28 Trying To Avoid Him29 Chapter 29 Her Birthday30 Chapter 30 Fall In Love With You31 Chapter 31 Stiff Relationship32 Chapter 32 Lucas Came Back33 Chapter 33 It's Just The Truth34 Chapter 34 Take Him Home35 Chapter 35 Back To The Starting Point36 Chapter 36 A Flustered Night37 Chapter 37 Powerless38 Chapter 38 The Temporary Substitute Actress39 Chapter 39 The Surprise40 Chapter 40 William's Disappearance41 Chapter 41 Company Problems42 Chapter 42 Dispute In The Hospital43 Chapter 43 Becoming The Devil44 Chapter 44 Waking Up From The Chaos45 Chapter 45 Marry Me46 Chapter 46 We Don't Owe Each Other Anymore47 Chapter 47 Never Give Up48 Chapter 48 Shoot49 Chapter 49 Pregnancy Scare50 Chapter 50 A Good Show51 Chapter 51 The Exposed Secret52 Chapter 52 Victor's Story53 Chapter 53 Estrangement54 Chapter 54 Back To Hometown55 Chapter 55 Miles Of Sweet Fragrans56 Chapter 56 See Things Through57 Chapter 57 Who Made The Midnight Food58 Chapter 58 A Subtle Relationship59 Chapter 59 Some Senior Leader60 Chapter 60 Falling Into The Water By Accident61 Chapter 61 Waking Up62 Chapter 62 Third Wheel63 Chapter 63 Eavesdropping64 Chapter 64 Then You Marry Me65 Chapter 65 The Ending Of The TV Series66 Chapter 66 She Is My Wife67 Chapter 67 Flight68 Chapter 68 Luxury Hotel69 Chapter 69 Rivals In Love70 Chapter 70 Drinks Under The Moon71 Chapter 71 Having A Good Time In Hainan72 Chapter 72 Attending The Party73 Chapter 73 The Rescue74 Chapter 74 The Uninvited Guest75 Chapter 75 The So-called Father76 Chapter 76 Troubled Times77 Chapter 77 Clarify A Few Things78 Chapter 78 Go Back To See Her79 Chapter 79 Accident On The Road80 Chapter 80 Taking Care Of The Patient81 Chapter 81 Apologize For The First Time82 Chapter 82 A Lovely Girl83 Chapter 83 Parents In Law84 Chapter 84 Dull Will85 Chapter 85 Family Time86 Chapter 86 Midnight Talk87 Chapter 87 Sleeping On The Same Bed88 Chapter 88 Good Morning89 Chapter 89 You Are Late Again90 Chapter 90 Unfriendly Visitors91 Chapter 91 Sacrifice In The Mountain92 Chapter 92 Being Abducted93 Chapter 93 A Big Fight94 Chapter 94 I Don't Want To Let You Go95 Chapter 95 Break Up96 Chapter 96 Corbett97 Chapter 97 Buy A Car98 Chapter 98 Forget Him99 Chapter 99 Maple Leaves100 Chapter 100 Die Here