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Butterflies & Dreams

Chapter 2 Diamond|One

Word Count: 966    |    Released on: 18/01/2020

drag her quilt closer. Why is it so co

g strange. She was lying on ice cold and muddy ground, not her bed back at

her fingers. "Ouch... It's real? Oh gosh... why was I here? This is literally in the

Ciel ran her hand through her hairs in frustration when she realized her shoulder length ash gray hair has turned into waist length brown hair. She wide

nk! I'm freezing to death!" She shook her hands at thin air, hoping in any seconds her hou

's no use sitting here, freezing to death, she thought to herself. She'd bett

to. That was when she found out the bracelet circling her left wrist. It looked really familiar

espectively. They all put the bracelet on immediately, all taking an immediate liking of it

s weird place? She tried rubbing the butterfly pendant on the bracelet, but nothing happened. She tried

She cried in frustration as she shivered in col

she heard a sound other than her own footsteps. She turned

ransported to? Ciel thought to herself

uckily, after a moment, the carriage stopped next to her. A fit of coughing drifted ou

riage. The master had sculpture like features. His handsomeness was not only not marred by the dark circles under

master said softly wi

y, still blinded by

easure to offer y

Ciel from her trance. She once again

much. But at the moment, I regret to s

n. "There's nothing you have to be sorry of, it's me who offe

tranger's car, or carriage. But she had no choice now. It's either getting into a stranger's car

ook like that at first,

Vincet?" Lord Lambert, whose title was gene

how those heroines did when they got transported to another world. Then maybe Lord Lambert would offer to help her out and they would

re just wishful think

ng else, said, "My lord, I am planning to seek

naturedly. "I might know a place that's

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