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An Italian's Virgin Escort

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1041    |    Released on: 13/08/2018

o Point

her too rough than she can handle. But I don't care. I like it rough and

a kind of sa


aned myself and called the security area of my mansi

for me. It may be anything, kidnapping or threatening or even killing,

ut the weeds in my way. It makes me

e twisted and shrewd. You need to be dangerous to fight you fears and inflict fear in others. You need to be arrogant

d, ruthless, a devil with h

is palms in respect. I looked at his ready-for-action stance

details about the land dealing." I sai

e. Since I already had the pleasure I want, I don't care where he throws her.

almost three months. It was my new project of building a chain of malls around the area an

ter and it's the only asset he has to give to her. So he doesn't want to sell i

! Fa

ke sure they don't talk about what happened to anyone. Don't hurt his daughter as long

out the year. So, I had this idea of making a business out of it and planned it to use as a honeymoon s

the best team of interiors in

verie when I heard a small, soft voice that

lking to my driver. She looked no special but, somehow I fo

uture generations with gas/petrol/diesel right? Please do off the engine next time sir. It also p

e said. Rage took over me and fisted my pal

the H

is to advic

lf? A Mother Teresa, to worr

place but stopped suddenly when I looked in to


filled eyes and scurried a

this again. If I see her again,

private elevator lightening a cigarette

e girl and here she

her if I meet the second time. It would be s

would b

you sure it is to teach her a lesson?'

oking forwards to p


the elevator are closing, a hand stopped them from closing

r entering my private elevator

king in the closed are like elevators is really dangerous sir."


om traffic who a

I was waitin

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