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Diary of a Reborn Queen

Chapter 4 Entry 4

Word Count: 699    |    Released on: 01/08/2018


g. The limit of my power has greatly reduced. I can now only contr

y power? One should be satisfied with what one has. If only I understand this earlier on

traveled back in time, the balance of the world has to take som

tuff. (That water control power isn't really a necessity in my life to be

from their work. Father too! Mother and

. Family gathering together. People celebrating my birthday. If I do not ch

g to allow th


s not the first time I experienced this). They aren't creative, so they got m

a gift. That didn't happen in my previous life. I lo

t I was thinking and shook her head. "No dear, I didn't ask h

ed, but he can manage some paper work now, " Adr

e huge box! And from the look of the foo

riously and lifted the

d sneaked closer to take a loo

read the words on the cover out loud

ltaneously took two quick steps back. Apparently want to

you!" Mother said in a squeaky

ives out presents... So...

e could not have chosen an entire collection of encyclopedia. Granted I admit that

clopedia would be very happy with the

round saying I like reading encycloped

e didn't recommend me to buy you a s

r. When he was killed in my previous life, Marie was

w that to ha

hing, " Jesse gave me a pat on my shoulder.

y thought in my mind as I eye t

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