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The Billionaire's Demand

The Billionaire's Demand


Chapter 1 Hannah’s Lie

Word Count: 1956    |    Released on: 14/07/2018

going and stop holding her back. Closing her eyes she focused entirely on making herself feel better,

ick door and entered the store with a smile on her face. She approached the two lovely ladies sitting by the window and placed th

The lady in the b

"No problem, let me know

t her in place, "How are you feeling, dear. Your mother to

stomers were students who did their schoolwork while sipping tons of coffee and eating s

ce as she brushed back a blonde lock which escaped from her messy bun, "My mother worries t

said, sometimes I wished my c

ior was that she was becoming a parent herself. She knew once her baby was born

ised the lady in blue, "Now if you e

nodded, "Yes, o

s her kitchen help entered the store with a tray

ell amazi

ts fresh and then looked up, meeting Hannah's gaze, "I put the dishes in the dishwasher an

ng her a reassuring squeeze, "No, you're doing g

ou don't have to find out

, wearing a nice blue sweater and gray slacks. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing an expensive watch to her. His hair was neatly styled while his hazel eyes took her in and then

cappuccino t

ng else


dn't burn himself and then handed him his coffee. He paid in cash, a bit too much, but he told her to keep the change. She watched as he spun around ready to leave the store but then faced her again. His eyes once a

ore he met her gaze again, "Miss, by any chance

couldn't keep the lid closed now. The memories were flooding back to her, but she forced herself to stay grounded. Putting

you've confused me

eve her answer, "Is that so?" He muttered, his hand tightening aroun

She couldn't catch her breath yet though because the lady in blu

die for, don't you think? I didn't spot a ring

her honestly, "But you're

nter and narrowed her brown eyes on her, "That screams money t

ny great things Hannah could think of, but she knew the lady in blue wouldn't agree. She didn't actually

told the woman, not even

e of her life to find a good husband. Hannah didn't want to listen to any of that if she wanted to be preached at for not being married yet she'd give her mother a call. Unfortunately, she h


omach, glad she didn't feel sick again. She knew things couldn't continue like that. She owned a small coffee shop and she couldn't afford to take a few days off. She had to push forward. In that moment of weakness though she couldn't help but think that she should have taken the other option. The fat


k, "Jenny and Lisa seemed to enj

er mother, not wanting to sound rude ab

tting a husband was the biggest accomplishment of their lives while Hannah believed making sure her coffee sh

that man Jenny ke

ng about dating again. It had been five years since her father passed away, but hearing her mother wanting to date a man

u." Hannah had been joking, but her


m before her mother continued, "Have you

tuation, mom. I'm pregnant and I've thought about it. I'm think

hild. Do you think you can do it? Raising a baby on your own and running a shop

finishing her mother's sentence

ave you considered reaching out to the father? I know you'r

ike that would make a great father to a child. When something better comes along he lose

m because you're not

ant, he's only t

I don't know what

he pot and placed it on the small plate next to the stove, "I gotta go, mom. I'm going to tak

er sounded less depressed


ays. She had thought about contacting the father of her child many times. Whenever she felt sick or thought she couldn't do it on her own her mind wondered to that man. But whenever her mind did wonder to him she remembered how he hurt her. He didn'

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