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Dead Man’s Hammer

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 868    |    Released on: 30/06/2018

ndy-Mei smiling. "How

ably the wildest of the three, with her being what she was and all. Her grades were good and so were her test scores. She was enjoying her studies, broadening her horizons. Anthropology clas

ciences. Did you know that Dung Beetles on Earth roll their bal

. "I had a boyfrie

olled his balls backward, or he

I think." Mei re

business. She had turned to 'cleaning' as an occupation because she really enjoyed endings more than beginnings – and anyway, she didn't need to know her mark's entire pedigree or life's sto

case, something even smaller – her conscience. She had no qualms about killing and truly though

make-up were always sublime. She was pretty, but as most poets will tell you, beauty can be deceiving. The same poets, who would write about Helen of Tro

y abuse or trauma or maltreatment as a child. In fact, one of her late relatives had once described her as 'just being that fucked up of her own accord'. People left her alone because she liked it that way. They always did, eventually. (W

ection and the vulnerabilities of the human body). She just managed to develop an inordinate fascination with death, the caus

n. As an assassin, she was the worst kind; this meant that she took pride in her work

le untraceable bank accounts… an arrangement whereby the Terran government would either keep an eye on the underworld, or turn a blind eye for various reasons that suited their purposes for however long it suited them. The only details Villainessa had to work out were who, where, when and how. Admittedly in this case, the first item on the list had taken her by surprise and caused her to pause momentarily. In her career she'd had to end many varied

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