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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 835    |    Released on: 30/06/2018

– dick, it was easy enough for him to find her again. It was damned hard to tear himself away from her again. She asked him to m

An old ship was like an old Jeepo. If you held onto it long enough you ended up working just to keep up with the repairs. And then you spent all your dosh on the darned thing and ended up taking a bus to work. Perhaps he could turn this thi

empty pockets and a hole in his head. At least he came home. And most of the time she was glad to see him, even when he came home the other way round. It seemed to be working out for them. Sometimes she would still dress up for him. Mind you most of Dory's wardrobe was so middle-of-the-road; it was sometimes hard to tell if he was a guy or a girl – but then again, Dory liked it that way. Money wa

spiral, he shook his head to clear the cobwebs, regretting it instantly. He groaned, and yawned, dragging on some clean clo

ing for a cuppa java to materialize by his elbow was pointless. Dory stirr

reen shade, surrounded by lovely long black lashes. He almost wen

in a soft, far-away morning

nd nope. It's okay, I'll get something on the way

were enormous – an extensive complex of offices, baggage and cargo processing systems, storage areas, passenger waiting areas, even a medium sized hotel. There were also bars, coffee shops and stores of all kinds. Timaset Skooch parked his Jeepo in the huge parking garage basement under the main building, worked his way through security and, once inside the complex fifteen minutes lat

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