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The Gang Leader's Girl

Chapter 1 Starting Over Again.

Word Count: 1169    |    Released on: 21/06/2018

a reason to continue, you must

a Poin


one way, nonstop fight." Cassy, my soc

myself? Is that even l

18. It's not illegal for you to ride on a

piece of paper. I've been in and out fosters homes for the

" She smil

yelled, shocked. That's ha

do?" I continue, looking up at Cassy.

here, in Manhattan, " I argued,

great home Mia." She l

a "great home" I just wanted to go somewhere I wouldn't get beat

before you put me in the Rockwell'

ol how people treat me, but I could control the way I treat them. And honestly, if I set out just

you're going to is for kids your age. The woman you're going to has never been in jail, nor have any of the kids been

ame?" I sighe

before I arrived. Because fighting was pretty much usele

was one of the rare ones that actually listened when you tried to explain what was happ

here take this." She told me

this?" I watch

at the office." Cassy smiled,

yself. It couldn't hurt knowing a

be open for boarding in 20 minutes,

airport, but Mrs. MacDymke insisted it be her that brough

way and go stand in the line for the Col

ack, I almost forgot

I started writing in it after my mom died, and I was placed in my first foster home. It was a

with you anymore. But I did find your journal in

own it away. I quickly opened it, flipping through the pages for the only thing that made this journal worth anything. Skimming along the old, dirt

ed up Cassy, fighti

ia." She smiled who

ado opens." The announcement boomed thro

" I whispered, my vo

of yourse

my head and

ake care o


kes about four an half to five hours. So I and this window are going to be well acquainted. I was so deep into thought that I almost missed

I immediately felt self-conscious in my ripped jeans and a plain white shirt that Cassy had given me before I

he man to think I was staring at him. I gazed down at my lap and saw Mrs. Ma

salind M


8 year


ical K

er K

on: 18 ye

mers: 17

chmond: 19

mond: 16

ison: 17 y

nandez: 18

nandez: 18

ee: 17 y

ine. This was definitely going to be interesting. Mrs. MacDymke picture showed she was a thin woman, wit

ed the folder and decided it was probably best fo

up it'll be time to

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