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Training the Walker: Cassie Wilson Book 2

Chapter 2 Training the Walker: Cassie Wilson Book 2

Word Count: 4679    |    Released on: 14/03/2018


ied not to think about him, attempting the out of sight out of mind approach to dealing with him. She was only partially successful

ntary, mocking those who couldn't see him, but giving her a general idea of his

ch to worrying about Ina. The glee in her eyes at the thought of fighting full out sent

ot was located at one end and all of the shops bordered a white stream of concrete composed of the former sidewalk and what was once a street. All of this white flow

w, her eyes darted towards the concession stand at the edge of the central plaza. The stand was a small concrete box with an upright rectangular hole for a door and a sideways rectangular hole for

on firs

yone else could hear it, but when she approached, the gate hummed. If she hummed along with it, matching it in tone, the tone shifted. If she shifted to match it, then it would shift back to its

tal image of all the more spectacular looking others standing in line for lemon bars and peanut butter cookies be

The fact that the dream was so much more was something she was still trying to wrap her head ar

those watching and waiting here, moved there to watch and wait. Cassie wasn't quite certain what they expected to find or do by so obviously being present. If they were hoping to catch her,

ed concrete benches. The same white as the walkways, they rose as if sculpted from the same mass. In the summertime they were cool to the touch providing a welcome relief to the heat.

ere far fewer than when she began opening the gate in Peru. Many of those waiting and watching even

manner the other regular people did. She ignored the feathers and the beaks, the fur and the scales and just kept moving, k

re were maybe half a dozen people moving about on the cold concrete. 'And none of them are giving the frozen benches a single glance

d as much attention it as they did to the people on the benches. As she looked away, feeling as always, disappointment that her grandfather hadn't

to the district and resume watching Oliver's place before she arrived. Cassie opened the door and went inside, as always sighing a little with relief when Enki was no long

rived. Usually there were five other girls in the class. In addition, Oliver and Bert, his assistant,

ot to have an audienc

and dense muscles made him seem as solid as a brick wall. Cassie knew when she touched him visions of vast mist shrouded forests would appear before her eyes. There would also be the sensation of r

ely muscled as Oliver. He was light on his feet, moving quickly throughout the class and helping to adjust body positions as they learned new moves. When he touched her skin, Cassie saw a multitude of children and babies laughing and happy and felt a wave of absolute joy flow th

her place on the mats. 'Not that I believe any of them ar

said moving to the front of the room. "Instead we will get an acc

ile he studied her and even Bert lost some of his habitual jovialness. Slowly, Oliver led her and Ina through their warm up. With only the four of them in the

thought as Oliver signaled that she and Ina were to take their places to begin sparing. 'None of them actually want to kill me, ' s

this time, reme

cacies, her mind wondering about the strange weapons array. She forced herself to focus on the mat beneath her feet, the movement of her body, the air on her skin. She forced herself to see what

thought to conceal the fact that she was a Walker, or at least had Walker –like abilities. There was no worrying

rman, the rubberized dummy in the coat closet, were longer than her usual class held sparring matches. Cassie felt she might be up to the challenge. The room was silent except for the soun

and she knew she was breathing far too heavily. The loose tendrils of hair that slipped out of her ponytail clung to her sweaty s

at least, ' Cassie

, " Oliv

eople hold back. And we now get to do this twice a week." She looked thrilled with the pro

eekend and Monday to re

e us a more accurate gauge, " Oliver said. "

f towards the showers. "She's been at this a lot long

minding that Ina was still much better. Even though she fought harder this time, no one's eyes went col

" Bes r

r. "Tell me about you

er back. Mentioning the pack caused his lips to twitch as he fought down a smile and Cassie felt a light blush creep to her cheeks.

f survival gear came from watching bits and pieces of television shows, she suspected all professionals would find it ludicrous. Since nearly every person featured on one of those

ty, fifty, eighty and one hundred feet from the target and have been practicing from each of them." She told them. "There is also

with me and Ina yeste

brows jumping up to his hairline.

hadn't caught it. Ina would have been safer, but only because Cassandra

" Bes asked, frowning. He

between the feet and up a bit until I thoug


en us right in the h

. "I'm rather glad he's decided to l

figuring it was the best time to bring him up

told them about Enki's visit. They seemed especially surprised and slightly w

her around was not due to Oliver telling him about yesterday's visit. She relaxed a little, knowing that at the moment E

s a good idea,

reas as well. You mentioned you were learning Latin? You will need someon

rusty in conversational Latin, " Cassie

turn. So we will each take turns holding conversations with you

fine, " Cassi

w you actually fight we can prepare a schedule and

id. "Um, can I ask

both men

ary in the eyes. Today you are arranging lessons and looking…pleased." Cassie stared at them unsure if

scary in any part before." He sound almost insulted, but Cassie thought of his eyes

nk you were a Walker as you passed our tests and then sud

r initial judgement was correct, " Bes added. "You are very good at faking normal. I

cher had snake eyes and a long forked tongue. It seems like you shoul

n a little dull around here lately. Helpi

t of putting one over

he personal benefit cat

here when you don't want him to

lurking?" Oliver s

Walkers from seeing him and just using his normal shield

o Cassie. "I told him he was not welcome

e does now because he was told he couldn't." Bes finished. "He's

ugh she couldn't see Enki from her vantage point, she could see that it was beginning to get dark. While most of the snow was

g containing her street clothes. Even with everyone knowing she was a Walker, Cassie didn't feel comfortable using the showe

door. As she opened it,

ith you, " I

began to walk. Cassie wondered if Ina was walking with her as some sort of protection detail. She didn't ask as Cassie could now see

th and reminded herself not to see any of the others still lurking. When she passed through be

lf as one of the others neared and drew her scent deeply into his snout.

no reason to hurry other than the cold. No reason to change her pace. Most of the others fell back under Ina's scowl of disapproval and Cassie eyed the

elf. He wore a long hooded cloak, the hem of which dragged on the ground, hiding his feet. His arms were likewise hidden under the cloak and whatever face he had w

rting in her limbs. She could almost feel the weight of his gaze as they passed. Ina gave him the

the other side. As usual, no one followed them

in they were out of eavesdropping range. "It is quite impres

rough one, " Cassie admitted. "For a second

with a laugh. "It must have been more

Did you guys have a convention or something? I don't often see people of any typ

hey left because nothing happened here again, but a

new from listening in on various conversations that the bulk of people left for Peru. What

Ina said, shrugging

und most troubling. No one was hiding. They just waited in the open watchin

urred to most of them. Walkers tend to stay in one area and not move arou


ly gate in the area. Wa

if they wanted to use one?" Cassie asked. "In Enki's little lecture he said

arious and sundry' didn't he." She shook her head. "Walkers always stay in the districts they are a

" Cassie

sent out on assignment." She laughed. You r

said ignoring the taunt. "And were the people

followed her through the mostly emp

pretty much killed everyone, and until now no one really thought anyone actually survived. There

nk someone is doling out assignments t

people left to hand out assignments, " Ina repeated. "Any one Walker could b

ve gotten on a plane and gone to Peru once th

ed to her. Cassie wondered how she managed to end up so f

moving?" she asked th

course not, thi

her as she slipped her

that she was in fact acting as some sort of body guard. "Until

ted to herself as she

he could currently make herself, but knew there were gaps. Even though it was for the best, her parents and grandfather leaving made her feel abandoned. It was somewhat comforting to have someone

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