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Keeper of the Crossroads

Chapter 2 Keeper of the Crossroads

Word Count: 5118    |    Released on: 13/03/2018


scape. To his surprise no one had said a word to him on the way back. Each had remained lost in his own thoughts and plans. He had not even been reminded to stop for gas

was only one computer in the house and he knew his mother wanted to check antiques prices against the items she saw in the front rooms while his brother would be

by the time he got to Jim's office so that he wouldn't entirely reek. It would be more polite to go home and shower before being in an enclosed office sp

r in the lot. Apparently his diverting to drop off his family had managed

ll disturbances in the earth where weeds had been pulled. He didn't see a stack of dying plant matter to accompany it so he assumed the gardeners had taken

arison. She had on what he thought of as a lady suit with the jacket buttoned and the skirt just the right length to convey professionalism without looking stodgy. She look

said with a warm smile.

out my Uncle Albe's estate. Um Great Uncle, " he corrected hi

Will you be holding a memorial service?" The polite question too

know, "

advanced age he was just so full of life it is quite difficult to picture him gone. If you will hold on a second." She reached for the phon

ed tightly. Jim had never been a big fan of Michael. "Of course." She hung up the phone and gestured towards

mbered why she looked familiar. "You are Lucy McE

I'm surprised

" Jamie said knowing the line sound

hrough the door. Jim stuck his head out of

nk it would t

is office and taking the seat Jim indicated. "Again about that, I real

through his hair. Somehow he couldn't picture the effi

ght them and made you lose two c

iosity, why did

ce they would probably hear soon that he was gone that it would be better coming from me instead of the newspaper's

use would use cold water a second time." Jamie blinked and realized what he had just said. "Sorry, I'm a littl

ike the house was somehow alive. I always thought it was just something to amuse us wi

believe in ta

?" Jim looked wi

After all, Albe's world was one thing. In this wor

t's just say that talking houses aside, the family practice has opened up my eye

office's other clients were as odd as Albe had been. Maybe there would be time later. "I also want to thank you for not d

that most of t

why I owe you a b

improbably thick folder. "This is the inventory, " he sa

be that much

trips. Most of those are simply labeled with the box number he assigned to it rather than an individual list. He assured me that there was an itemized list in each of those boxes and that the insurance company would have no interest in them whatso

ays in Albe's house. "I asked why they were still sealed and he said bec

lbe liked to have a diverse base to work from. If you need any help with them let me know. My brothe

ere he could stash it so Michael wouldn't look for it. He was sure his mother would send Michael on

are expecting their seco

ntly closing the file. "H

" Jim said with lau

hope the child arrives safely without any um, well… com

set ups, gardening, housekeeping that sort of thing, " he added indicating the file. "You are of cour

s does not go

ith the bank name and box number on it. "The only other thing I


out why before you change them, it will save aggravation later.

ed like Albe when y

onal. You know I really am

He gathered the paperwork. "I can see you have other things needing your attention, " he said gestur

" Jim not only walked Jamie to the door to his office but down the ha

car he opened the passenger side door and placed the stack of paperwork in the seat. He let out a deep breath. The paperwork

The parking lot was bounded by a flower bed and Jamie carefully stepped over the newly weeded flowers. They were pansies or petunias, he could n

Centerville's streets. Large sections of Centerville's population worked in Denerton. The emptiness would ch

schedules he lost track. Not for the first time he wondered if he would ever be a parent. Jamie liked kids well enough. As long as one didn

cided if kids were in his future because a he had never managed to find anyone he would want

child hood, although he doubted his niece or nephews would be happy to fill his role. Living

that as long as they have an internet connection. I mean all of my stuff is done on-line.' The thought stopped

n.' He reminded himself. He jarred himself from his

They were all neatly parked at the back leaving the prime parking spaces for the customers. There were a few cars in the lot, but most of the transactions seemed to be taking p

d in intense matters of trade and Jamie realized he had only been in the bank once to open his own account. He had all his funds wired to his account electronically and h

en in his closet had mysteriously been lighter one weekend. Since Jamie was rather precise about his accounts, he knew he was missing seventy-two dollars. Jamie rememb

PO box as the mailing location for all bank statements. Dennis had signed as consenting parent in both places and not asked any questions. Jamie had been grateful. A f

ow he had thought that it would be like at the post office where you went in and saw the rows of post office boxes all neatly arranged. With a start Jamie realized how much o

red bank tellers as white haired with little green visors. She was around his age and had her brown hair pulled back into a loose twist that seemed to threaten to drop at an

His smile faltered and he remembered w

since they were right across the street I figured I would go ahead and deal with this as well, except tha

ond I'll go and get someone to open it for you. May I have your name and the name of the pri

on." She nodded at the names and told him she would be right back. His eyes followed her as she moved and he watched her walk away. She walked over

e office replied to the man questioning him. The man returned to Jamie's original

office straight ahead." She told him befor

voice trail off as he reali

ain she favored him wi

, Erin." h

Fulton, and h

He walked over to the waiting man while Erin made her way back to her stall, ready and waiting to as

' he thought turning his

shioned stage performer. "Your lawyers or rather the elder Mr. Fulton's lawyers, informed us of the change in ownership. Now, are you planning on closing the ac

need to see what is inside and possibly take somet

s a long term lease on the box you realize. It was actual

out which relative that would have been and realized he would need

e chosen to maintain the family connection to the First Bank of Centerville." Mr. Edwards smiled and Jamie for the first time won

ally his mother and brother couldn't ask about the amounts. 'Especially sinc

It was why she had agreed to marry Rudy, his father, in the first place. While the bank manger checked all of his

t is why there had been the connection in the first place. Rudy had always known that Jamie was the one likely to succeed him in Albe's world. Not for the first time Jamie wondered i

'Not long, ' he remembered, 'a month, maybe two.' Although, she had the sense to go Denerton to date rather than st

unds for the welfare of the family so they were never uncomfortable, but it was no where near what his mother had felt she was entitled to. She knew that

nded on him. He really wasn't like this. He never dwelt on the worst traits and bad memories. He chalked it up to the

Albe that caused the rising darkness. H

tiently waiting for the box to be brought to him. He tried to slough off his fou

f sternly. He wondered if it would be considered proper to ask someone out when you had just come to transfer money from a deceased rela

e the key M

ng the key out of his po

me when you are through." He left, closing the door behi

After all, why would it lie? Jamie had to snicker at himself for that. He took a deep breath figuring he couldn't just stay in the bank manager's office with the locked box forever. Surely the man would need his of

d up on its hinges and Jamie folded the long square back, trying not to knock Mr. Edward's pen holder over in the process. Inside was a brown canvas satc

tter made him want to cry as nothing else in this miserable day had. With shaking hands and even shakier breath he picked up the letter and turne

. Somehow there always seemed to be more time. It is my weakness I suppose, always thinking that time woul

accepting keeps us alive. Many of the answers to your more immediate questions can be found within the satchel enclosed. However, I ask a fav

love I pas


ards circling like a shark. He sighed. In this he would definitely listen to Albe. Pretty clerk or no

r tucked it back in its envelope and stuck it into the front pouch of the satchel. The letter caught on something and he shif

who came back at a pace that was just shy of a trot. Jamie stifled a nervous laugh as he tucked the key back in his pocket. Mr. E

I will be back to deal with the other thing

finally knew who the bank manager reminded him of. He reminded Jamie of a plucked chicken, naked of even its pin feathers and re

. They would often go on treasure hunts with their lunch and treasure maps packed in satchels just like this. It brought back warm memori

nd it. He just knew that this was all a part of something bigger. His mind was swimming with all the unanswered

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1 Chapter 1 Keeper of the Crossroads2 Chapter 2 Keeper of the Crossroads3 Chapter 3 Keeper of the Crossroads4 Chapter 4 Keeper of the Crossroads5 Chapter 5 Keeper of the Crossroads6 Chapter 6 Keeper of the Crossroads7 Chapter 7 Keeper of the Crossroads8 Chapter 8 Keeper of the Crossroads9 Chapter 9 Keeper of the Crossroads10 Chapter 10 Keeper of the Crossroads11 Chapter 11 Keeper of the Crossroads12 Chapter 12 Keeper of the Crossroads13 Chapter 13 Keeper of the Crossroads14 Chapter 14 Keeper of the Crossroads15 Chapter 15 Keeper of the Crossroads16 Chapter 16 Keeper of the Crossroads17 Chapter 17 Keeper of the Crossroads18 Chapter 18 Keeper of the Crossroads19 Chapter 19 Keeper of the Crossroads20 Chapter 20 Keeper of the Crossroads21 Chapter 21 Keeper of the Crossroads22 Chapter 22 Keeper of the Crossroads23 Chapter 23 Keeper of the Crossroads24 Chapter 24 Keeper of the Crossroads25 Chapter 25 Keeper of the Crossroads26 Chapter 26 Keeper of the Crossroads27 Chapter 27 Keeper of the Crossroads28 Chapter 28 Keeper of the Crossroads29 Chapter 29 Keeper of the Crossroads30 Chapter 30 Keeper of the Crossroads31 Chapter 31 Keeper of the Crossroads32 Chapter 32 Keeper of the Crossroads33 Chapter 33 Keeper of the Crossroads34 Chapter 34 Keeper of the Crossroads35 Chapter 35 Keeper of the Crossroads36 Chapter 36 Keeper of the Crossroads37 Chapter 37 Keeper of the Crossroads38 Chapter 38 Keeper of the Crossroads39 Chapter 39 Keeper of the Crossroads40 Chapter 40 Keeper of the Crossroads41 Chapter 41 Keeper of the Crossroads42 Chapter 42 Keeper of the Crossroads43 Chapter 43 Keeper of the Crossroads44 Chapter 44 Keeper of the Crossroads45 Chapter 45 Keeper of the Crossroads46 Chapter 46 Keeper of the Crossroads47 Chapter 47 Keeper of the Crossroads48 Chapter 48 Keeper of the Crossroads49 Chapter 49 Keeper of the Crossroads50 Chapter 50 Keeper of the Crossroads51 Chapter 51 Keeper of the Crossroads