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The Story of the Mimosa

The Story of the Mimosa

Author: Paul Kater

Chapter 1 Builder talk

Word Count: 1689    |    Released on: 11/02/2018

y claim to fame is that he rips everyone off?) The nine foot tall, broad-chested man turned to the somewhat less broad-chested but half

w I have this plan to build a ship, and finally I h

lan to build a ship from black wood? You'll have a

op nigh trek to

one, Jarm, declared his friend insane. "You'll be the laughing stock of the fleet, you know that. No one wants a black

d it was cheap. I can add a bunch o

his wild manes jumping around while the metal beads in them clanged together. "But I have promised

s ship will be a big success and bri

ng. The building. Do you have

started talking about the plan


d down lines and used those to slide to the ground. Once there they gestured up to their shipmates who looked down through their trinoculars (binoculars for species with three eyes) to get the Dragooner in position. The men on the ground and tho

ne, lads. Nice work, and quick too. There'

their race to tell the difference between their women and their men. The ground crew was dismissed as the captain barked his orders to the navigator and the helmsman, to take the Dragoon

ailed away, seen only by creatures who could not care less about what happene

ce profit as he intended to make the robbery sound a lot more difficult than it had been. A few of the crew had already prepared video-reels with heavy fighting and cannon fire as proof. During a stop somewhere over deserted lan

customer about the wood and the allegedly sustained damage, squeezing as many credits from the man as he could without becoming physical. After the credits had been transferred and approved by se

as on its way to clean off the painted damage and after that locate a new custo

Not only had he gotten rid of a lot of credits that he had acquired in dubious arra

d several of his stubbly chins. "Looks good to me. Ca

would be good, yes. Although sta

of him carried the air of being utterly useless. Despite all that, the shipbuilder arrived in the afternoon with his crew, flying along in five beautiful and spotless transport-shuttles designed for wood-moving. T

er. "We made it the way we did the last nine, so you can have your people quickly stick it

nth. "It'll be fine, " he said as he approved the payment for the miller's work. All the wooden parts

sole, punched a few buttons and waited for the machinery to collect and sort all the wooden parts. Slowly the stac

e thing?" one of the men in the ch

" was th

, " the question-asker

e shed, but you are mistaken, buddy. Our client has not yet conveyed the name of this new fine vessel, so I would advise you to ke

yee did not feel v

d as he walked off. "No Idea would

red as he held up a maimed hand. "I was smart too, one day. He broke most of my fingers, so push

at, " another button-pusher a

e fact that this one was black also made a nice change to the white or wood-coloured ones that most people wanted. The comment of the man he had just given a piece of his mind rang through his head. What would one call a black ship? The

shipbuilder turned to his employees and told them to go home. There had been enough button-

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1 Chapter 1 Builder talk2 Chapter 2 Black Flower3 Chapter 3 The captain4 Chapter 4 The first trip5 Chapter 5 Going there6 Chapter 6 Getting there, where nothing is impossible7 Chapter 7 Crystal, crystal on the deck8 Chapter 8 The Thunderbrick9 Chapter 9 Strange languages and old tech10 Chapter 10 Shipstripping11 Chapter 11 Finishing up12 Chapter 12 NAD13 Chapter 13 Up and away14 Chapter 14 The Harmony Clan15 Chapter 15 We have you in our sight16 Chapter 16 The metal suit17 Chapter 17 The mothership18 Chapter 18 The man in the suit19 Chapter 19 Darwin20 Chapter 20 Drone Down21 Chapter 21 Welcome to Greater Darwin22 Chapter 22 Wanted23 Chapter 23 The story of Gwyddion and Frank McAbercrombieson24 Chapter 24 Going Walkabout and meeting Frank25 Chapter 25 Ninnie drives a hard bargain26 Chapter 26 Lago di Garda27 Chapter 27 The show, the show, Rebel likes the show28 Chapter 28 Shrymp on the barbie29 Chapter 29 Barbie on the shrimp30 Chapter 30 The recluse in the suit31 Chapter 31 A matter of light32 Chapter 32 Metal man, flying fish33 Chapter 33 Lake Garda34 Chapter 34 Welcome to Italy35 Chapter 35 Visitors36 Chapter 36 Bardolino, brace yourself37 Chapter 37 And what now, Maurizio Blunt38 Chapter 38 Tank39 Chapter 39 Job offer40 Chapter 40 Not your average ice place41 Chapter 41 Water moon42 Chapter 42 Row boats and paddle-people43 Chapter 43 Stormy sea44 Chapter 44 Worries about a captain45 Chapter 45 A present46 Chapter 46 Hibbies47 Chapter 47 We'll fix you48 Chapter 48 Getting away49 Chapter 49 Solar flare50 Chapter 50 The planet51 Chapter 51 A strange meeting52 Chapter 52 Warrior women53 Chapter 53 A jolly lot