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Pilot: Book One of the Channel Riders

Chapter 4 Pilot

Word Count: 1258    |    Released on: 02/02/2018

ed by the light from the overhead lamp. As she struggled out of the covers, memory began to catch up with her and s

r underwear drawer and reached in to grab a clean pair for the day. Her hand struck the bottom of the drawer. She leaned

military take

egin an organized tango, her morning-fuzzed brain began to wake up. The military h

She whooped in triumph until she pulled it out of the drawer. It was a nice lacy set of date unde

ngars were empty, but towards the back of the closet she found a white cable knit sweater and grey woolen pants that were a little too thick for early fall. Resigned to a day of discomfort she dressed,

d. TJ with his intense need to have everything lined up in neat regimented rows, Max with his desire for artistic chaos and Emily, six months pregnan

un screaming from the store. It wasn't that they were inept. Just very different from each other and very strong w

oom was the center of upheaval the day before. Or at least that's what she told herself as she left for work. Her stomach dropped down to her toes. What would happen when her gra

oks as they passed. Elena rolled her eyes at her own behavior, realizing she was acting crazy. Even if Ian had re


ile tilting the corners of her mouth. Her eyes lit on the coffee house she visited the day before. Her smile fell and she turned gru

ed gold lettering. As she let herself into the store her fingertips traced the lettering. Calabrese Imports. She smiled and her world started to steady. Elena tu

e Elena's. "Got halfway to the elevator and

rchandise just came in and we'll need to start switching out the fall displays for the holiday ones. We've got two scheduled corporate clients coming in today. One

id quickly. Elena smiled, knowing the coffee would send Emily

everything else to the side. The holiday shopping season had barely begun and they were already swamped. Personal shoppers were drawn to the store in droves and everyone in the city s

vy lifting in the back and another to help Emily at the register. Elena noted the out of order sign on the elevator with little surprise and began to climb the stairs. It was rare that the elevator worked for any length of time. She cl

face and despite the tailored pants and shirt he still managed to look windblown and casual. His hair, which had been salt a


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