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Harbor My Strong Wolf

Chapter 8 

Word Count: 718    |    Released on: 21/12/2017

sidewalk, looking le

cute town. Nobody

h it was quite small

an who had just stepp

eyes on her as she w

im. Allie inhaled sh

is ridiculous, she th

ly label him a murder

ver here. Allie kept

steps falter, if he w

sidewalk and turne

Still doesn“t mean

through her body, pa

he would test him;

g, she turned and wal

cing pulse, she picke

back cover. Nobody e

Sighing with relief

Pushing open the doo

here he was, leaning

one arm. Turning qui

e could hear heavy fo

owing her. What am I

e I should face him,

anyways. Stopping



the dark-haired girl.

ing into chocola

owing me?" She de

ing sl

on, Alex thought, wh

“t mean to frighten

eezing. Here, take my

g it

utting a hand on his arm

tell me what

Miss, it“s free

she crossed the stre


y do beautiful w

ndered aloud. Turni


ts off!" His mother

e door s

He set the brown bag

the bag. As soon as

eyes went to his fee

d to relieve him o

" she asked as she


window and looked ou

n without frigh

andwich into four fi

ing g

ion by stating his th

e“re in for a bad st

ake my sandwich with m

and left t

me the whole day!" H

the door. "You

ndwiches into his c

cheek. "No one to fe

or before his moth


he really did, but th

in a house with her f

childhood and strug

d been glad to get ou

visit, she was civil

ng harbored feelings


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