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The Ranger's Daughter

Chapter 3 Giving Away Pain

Word Count: 1336    |    Released on: 20/12/2017

f course, Grace loved pie too but this pie was for her pa. Today was his and her mamas anniversary and Grace knew how difficult it was for her pa. How much h


ard, she was determined to cut that time down to a quarter. She had to! Garret's life depended on it. Though she'd never ridden astride before, she adapted qu


her Pa smelled his favorite pie and came to the kitchen. That was one thing about him, although his legs didn't work properly, his nose made up for the lack! He was always wandering to the kitchen where he

arefully sat it on the window sill to

ed the pie so much more when it was still warm from the oven. Opening the kitchen door, walked the short distance from the house to the barn. "Pa?" She called a she entered the cool interior of the barn. It took several second for her

d shut itself down, she couldn't think at all. She could only ... Feel. Harsh sobs continued to wrack her body, she w

, Mary Anne wrapped her arms around Grace. Grace turned in the embrace and clung to Mary Anne as she continued to cry in pain. Mary Anne rubbed the girls back and murmured soft unintelligible words to

Anne seated Grace at the kitchen table and went to fetch the kettle. "I'll make us a cup of tea." She murmured to the grieving girl. Grace made no comment and several minutes later Mary Anne was si

ared as a small grateful smile. She was sure it fell short how

he body in the barn. Grace had gotten up and cooked breakfast, but Mary Anne was sure it was more f

f into the distance. Mary Anne walked up the few porch steps and knelt done beside the girls chair. "The preacher and the men will

er many tears and lack of use. But using her voice seemed to break her free from her

ry much." Grace pulled back and forced Grace to look at her. "He left a letter for my Tom. He said it was Important and to m

y, "I want to.. Bu

r feet as well. "Come on, we need to make a meal for the men, they're gonna be hungry and tired aft

heard several horses and

herself. "She's so tuckered out. Lord, please help her. Help her get over this, don't let this mistake be the one that trips her up. Please, help her." Endi

her bed room. "Good night, Mary Anne." She m

already collapsed on the bed fast asleep. Grabbing a quilt from


had run away from here. Now he was back, older, more tired, and less trusting but he was back all the same. He turned toward the general st

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