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Oh, My Darling Teacher

Chapter 5 

Word Count: 909    |    Released on: 05/12/2017



ost for hours. I called her too three or four times to ask about her health. She is such a sweet person, humble and loving. Even on our first meeting we

ps little journey and meeting with a nice lady, he hated that I got my laptop back

when you are planning to return them. I wanted to thank him but I kept myself

e interrupted b

itchen for tomorro

I am alm

d walk into living room. I check my mobile, it

uld call me this late, w

salam o A

laptop lady?" I heard deep voi

op L

are you Mr. Muhammad Shah?"

didn“t like him calling. Yes, I was thinking about

but this person helped me earlier so I can“t be rude and since h

voice amusement as h

ying to

p too. But I would like to know the expenses it caused and wanted to return

er your sense of independency and you want to show yo


would be?" I gr

y fri


e be f

rve of

y you and show you my gratitude properly bu

He blu


cebook friend list.

. Of course he wou

ds. We studied together. Plu


his called decency?" It“s starting to get irritating. If it continues mor

there Laptop Lady. But I c


other? Normally guys hide their female friends if the

of proof i

a yes?" He asked when I did

“s see how bra


He soun

s on the speak

eard Aunt

remember the


ut she said it“s indecent to call a girl a

ou know?" I hea

n is a decent man, I want you to be a witness

y su


you heard eve


o say now?..... I can assure

alm myse


are friends

l me Zulqarnain or Zee and if I rememb

mber telling

s about you... so I know ma

s have good memory wh

ome a friend of a s


d hello

the short

all for su


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