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Les Miserables

Part 3 Book 1 Chapter 1 Parvulus

Word Count: 253    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

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her all the dawn; strike these two sparks together, Paris, childhood;

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1 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 1 M. Myriel 2 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 2 M. Myriel becomes M. Welcome3 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 3 A Hard Bishopric for a Good Bishop4 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 4 Works corresponding to Words5 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 5 Monseigneur Bienvenu made his Cassocks last too long 6 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 6 Who guarded his House for him7 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 7 Cravatte8 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 8 Philosophy after Drinking9 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 9 The Brother as depicted by the Sister 10 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 10 The Bishop in the Presence of an Unknown Light11 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 11 A Restriction12 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 12 The Solitude of Monseigneur Welcome 13 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 13 What he believed 14 Part 1 Book 1 Chapter 14 What he thought15 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 1 The Evening of a Day of Walking16 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 2 Prudence counselled to Wisdom17 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 3 The Heroism of Passive Obedience18 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 4 Details concerning the Cheese-Dairies of Pontarlier19 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 5 Tranquillity20 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 6 Jean Valjean21 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 7 The Interior of Despair22 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 8 Billows and Shadows23 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 9 New Troubles24 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 10 The Man aroused25 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 11 What he does26 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 12 The Bishop works27 Part 1 Book 2 Chapter 13 LITTLE GERVAIS28 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 1 The Year 181729 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 2 A Double Quartette30 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 3 Four and Four31 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 4 Tholomyes is so Merry that he sings a Spanish Ditty32 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 5 At Bombardas33 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 6 A Chapter in which they adore Each Other34 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 7 The Wisdom of Tholomyes35 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 8 The Death of a Horse36 Part 1 Book 3 Chapter 9 A Merry End to Mirth37 Part 1 Book 4 Chapter 1 One Mother meets Another Mother38 Part 1 Book 4 Chapter 2 First Sketch of Two Unprepossessing Figures39 Part 1 Book 4 Chapter 3 The Lark40 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 1 The History of a Progress in Black Glass Trinkets41 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 2 Madeleine42 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 3 Sums deposited with Laffitte43 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 4 M. Madeleine in Mourning44 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 5 Vague Flashes on the Horizon45 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 6 Father Fauchelevent46 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 7 Fauchelevent becomes a Gardener in Paris47 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 8 Madame Victurnien expends Thirty Francs on Morality48 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 10 Result of the Success49 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 11 Christus nos Liberavit50 Part 1 Book 5 Chapter 13 The Solution of Some Questions connected with the Municipal Police51 Part 1 Book 6 Chapter 1 The Beginning of Repose52 Part 1 Book 6 Chapter 2 How Jean may become Champ53 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 1 Sister Simplice54 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 2 The Perspicacity of Master Scaufflaire55 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 3 A Tempest in a Skull56 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 4 Forms assumed by Suffering during Sleep57 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 5 Hindrances58 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 6 Sister Simplice put to the Proof59 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 7 The Traveller on his Arrival takes Precautions for Departure60 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 8 An Entrance by Favor61 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 9 A Place where Convictions are in Process of Formation62 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 10 The System of Denials63 Part 1 Book 7 Chapter 11 Champmathieu more and more Astonished64 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 1 In what Mirror M. Madeleine contemplates his Hair65 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 2 Fantine Happy66 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 3 Javert Satisfied67 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 4 Authority reasserts its Rights68 Part 1 Book 8 Chapter 5 A Suitable Tomb69 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 1 What is met with on the Way from Nivelles70 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 2 Hougomont71 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 3 The Eighteenth of June, 181572 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 4 A73 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 5 The Quid Obscurum of Battles74 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 7 Napoleon in a Good Humor75 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 8 The Emperor puts a Question to the Guide Lacoste76 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 9 The Unexpected77 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 10 The Plateau of Mont-Saint-Jean78 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 11 A Bad Guide to Napoleon79 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 12 The Guard80 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 13 The Catastrophe81 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 14 The Last Square82 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 15 Cambronne83 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 16 Quot Libras in Duce84 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 17 Is Waterloo to be considered Good85 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 18 A Recrudescence of Divine Right86 Part 2 Book 1 Chapter 19 The Battle-Field at Night87 Part 2 Book 2 Chapter 1 Number 24,601 becomes Number 9,43088 Part 2 Book 2 Chapter 2 In which the reader will peruse Two Verses89 Part 2 Book 2 Chapter 3 The Ankle-Chain must have undergone a Certain90 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 1 The Water Question at Montfermeil91 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 2 Two Complete Portraits92 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 3 Men must have Wine, and Horses must have Water93 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 4 Entrance on the Scene of a Doll94 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 5 The Little One All Alone95 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 7 Cosette Side by Side with the Stranger in the Dark96 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 8 The Unpleasantness of receiving97 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 9 Thenardier at his Manoeuvres98 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 10 He who seeks to better himself may render his Situation Worse99 Part 2 Book 3 Chapter 11 Number 9,430 reappears, and Cosette wins it in the Lottery100 Part 2 Book 4 Chapter 1 Master Gorbeau