Triangle love : heartstrings of fate
nding seamlessly in the hands of the most gifted doctors the city of Ethemaris had ever known. Among them stood t
Vale – The
that inspired awe and fear in equal measure. He could restart a failing heart with a single touch, pull a soul from the brink of death-but at a cost. Every
His eyes-cold silver in the dim hospital lights-hid the grief of a past betrayal, the weight of a love lost but never forgotten. He h
elum – The Al
worldly, her silver hair cascading like moonlight down her back, a stark contrast to the deep cerulean of her eyes. She carried
red to touch. Her hands moved with precision, her whispers weaving enchantments into sutures and potions ali
of expectation pressed on her shoulders. She had chosen power over passion once-and it had cost her L
Rafael was sti
– The Golden Heale
t unchecked. His golden eyes carried a light that could outshine the darkest of nights, his smile a weap
other doctor's in Ethemaris. He could siphon pain, draw suffering into himself, leaving his patients mir
to keep her. He had won against Lucian once-but was it ever t
el the shift, the unspoken tension, the pull of something dangerous beneath t