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Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 08/02/2025

rrorists the day we decide to

la almost jumped out of her skin. She t

rt; if I am not wrong, we are surrounded by terrorists." Paul nodded



n hearing strange gunshot sounds," Tyra sp

mercy of terrorists!" Anna giggled as she looke

h almost slammed into the back of Anna's head. "Who di

hould I panic and jump all over the place like you? I doubt th

rring; the truth is that we can't do anything except wait! They are in the shadows, probably watching us with a gun

" Tyra whispered

opportunity!" Anna said. "This


ttered as she looked

h schooler and greasy

was cooked the moment other te

rists!" the high school girl that had

e?" the fat greasy man hiccuped as he said l

must be joking; it sounded weird, th

ot just say words so loudly in public, she got us all sca

ion, she was sure she did not comment, yet it

simple! With just a few words, she managed to isolate me from the team t

cannot even find our way out of this particular path." The old lad

ld, but, ehm, ehm," The high school girl stopped talking

looked at Eira, but her three seconds of hesitati

g at that one, what is it?" Th

this game is not just a game; it has a cash price involved, so we m

she said. "Well, I overheard Eira talking with that young man in team white, I think.....I think that

l girl shook her head and waved her hands as if she wa

game, we have already forsaken our friends; what selfish; this i

ould help; what friends are you talking about here? Besides, she is no

or her. " Why are. They are waiting for me!" Eira frowned; she was looking for a way t

good chance!" The old woman grabbed Eira, trying to pu

e like that?" The old woman almost s

r mouth, you old hag!" Eira said, b

help," the high school girl whispered to th

child!" The old woman cleared her throat and looked at Eira snobbishly. "Hey girl,

m members who were looking a

you s

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