s orders on what to do with them, "what does the boss want these fools for?" Watcher asked himself as he threw one young woman into a cell closing the door before, she hit the floor, "maybe it's somet
mega human stopped at his feet, "guess who wants
ck we had guests that witnessed what we did." "Witnessed? You mean saw?!" Watcher cried out in alarm, "why wasn't this noticed before Shadow?" Shadow didn't answer him at first and just turned his head to see a group of solders walking pass the cell block, he then turned to face the other mega human an evil smile was on his lips, "I am not the one that can see over long distance
of London was a tall well-built man he wore what looked like a black rubber suit. His head was bald, and his skin was slightly tanned, "isn't it funny Shadow all of these people know that they are in danger yet they do nothing about it?" He said in a strong English Chinese accent as he turned to face both mega humans, both of them bowered and lowered their heads in a sigh of respect,
raig, for a moment there was a brief silence in the room then Craig spoke, "Watcher come here I want a word with you." Watcher then carefully made his way to the desk both of his legs started to shake out of fear as he took slow steps towards his boss, "you wanted to speak with me sir?" He asked as he peered over at Craig the mega humans eyes were filled with an unnatural blue light, "yes I did Watcher," he said a
to that serum that Young injected into his veins maybe he could be turned?" Watcher gasped in surprise, "turned?" He asked in shock as if a bolt had just stuck him in the head, "how are you planning to do that sir? I mean Fox is our enemy, isn't he?" Craig gave watcher an evil smile, "maybe I can show him the truth as to why we were created see if he will change then