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Word Count: 1510    |    Released on: 28/08/2024

m d


ow an unhinged diva waving a hockey s

warnings seriously, they had a reaction that stung me. The look of cruel amusement on their faces, and the ridiculing laughter at my expense hurt far more than I let on.

locker room, facing off against two meanies who were out for my blood. I looked like a total mess. When I left my house for junior p

g for a bold look with metallic eyeshadow and classic red lipstick. She really took her time, and I remember gasping in awe and smiling so widely when I looked in the mirror. I genui

lic eyeshadow poorly spread across my face, my red lipstick smeared uglily at the corners

airytale to a nightmare. I should have known goo

ockey stick towards Tiffany's face, barely

rom the school hall directly opposite this building. I was supposed to be in the

ckle. I could see it in her eyes that she was enjoying this show I was putting on. She wasn'

dded in a tone that was far from empathetic. This sidekick of Tiffany's

itted mermaid-style gown hugging perfectly around her b

the likes of you?" She let out a demeanin

screamed, stumbling back and clutching her cheek, while Heather's eyes widened in shock. I gues

her arm as she retreated. I could feel the fury in Tiffany's eyes as she removed her hand from her cheek,

felt two legs strike my back from behind. My knees snapped, and my head collided with the cold, hard lockers. I fell on my stomach, and the hockey stick flew from my hands, cl

ad to put up a good fight. I crawled on my knees to grab the hockey stick, but as I stretched my right hand

nto her skin. She shrieked, taking her leg off, then sent a slap flying to my face. The other

squeezing my face between her fingers. Then she

es when I heard those words. Stomp on me

on by their bare feet. They began to kick me and stamp on me all at the same time, all over my body, while Tiffany watched with folded arms, and Heather cackled and filmed. I cur

help-but my words failed me. Every breath was a struggle. The act of breathing itself made

. She picked up the hockey stick from the floor, twirling it as she walked towards me. "Whenev

she was interrupted by the sound of the locker room door bursting open. The g

ng wet from the rain, his once slicked back hair dripping wit

with the thunder outside. Lightning flashed at that m

a murderous rage. I had never seen him like this before. It was like Tiffany, Heather, and the other two girls had been struck by lightning because the

Then his cold hands gently reached for mine and intertwined them with his. "

ars dropping on

way with this." he said be

lutched my chest, taking shallow gasps, as I felt my chest being compressed inside of me. My hands slipped away from his, a

e get to

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