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Witches Get Stitches

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1287    |    Released on: 06/04/2024

ple who go to private schools, I used to make fun of their uniforms and the way they

it's well-fitted and it's perfectly my style. If this school was a normal magicle

free wearing my white top with the sleeves rolled up and the shirt flying

ooking back at me, I smile at my reflection and I wink at myself being completely stupid but then I stop when I realize

mmediately and I point

e why am I talking to a mirror? Did I hit my head that hard when I fell to the

out of

s portraits on the walls, portraits that aren't alive, thank God. I don't want anyone snitch

nt to lose these people's trust. They helped me, Kelly helped me- she didn't just help me, she saved me and I'm super

parents on the oth

nk I had something to do with Greg and Samantha's death. I'm a black girl who's missing from a crime scene. Fuck. Those two couldn't have died somewhere else? Although what difference w

eing a pervert and cheating on his wife, how bold of him? Ugh, whatever,

in sight. Were these women witches? Are some of them still alive? I'd like to learn more about the history of witches, the highest I learned was the S

, at least I think I hear a hissing sound. When


round to see if anyone's behind me,

real damage because I don't have the strengt

g but then I hear

een before, something horrid, something you'd see in a horror movie

g it might touch the hard ground. I'm frozen, what kind of demonic creature is

so loud it almost deafens

e side. The beautiful purple bag Samantha got for me for school, I loved her

s thing? I fall to the ground and it quickly jumps on me. I can see its

out to beat ou

? I immediately scream at the top of my lung

m because it's in pain. But that doesn't stop it from letting out a scream of its ow

in my head that this is the part where I run for my l

ing it. That cute brown boy I saw earlier. He's whispering

om when his body goes straight into a spear that's being held by a statue of a hal

e winks at me, and I blush a little. Really? Am I blus

around to see Mrs. Osbourne l

le behind her even s

ands on my shoulders and she observes me like a doctor does her patients or like a moth

s and then turns to

She says angrily and he just shrugs. Wai

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