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Deal with the billionaire's

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 977    |    Released on: 04/04/2024

ind a time to be alone and

reen house while wa

said without

know you heard it...


do you

iend or what ever you want to do i

ment, do you? You also don't want this a

t not continuing the agreement made by my

ts attention was onl

ecause it's just a joke. They didn't even think about how we would feel about their decisio

ll be easier

to him---" he look

l get the benefits in this arrangemen

don't need your money--" I answe

hat your company got bankrupt, all your properties have been sold

ched m

s investment you're goin

I don't want... I'd rather be poor than beg for money from poor people like you . If I didn't w

een house and


what I said to him earlier. To be honest, he did n


d that out

ld apologize

row the ball."

it hard

h he caught. The twins wanted to play softball again, b

he was sitting at the bench under

o, dude...

direction as if in slow motion. Before I could get

e holding my nose tha

y?" Drake asked a

ped me

You're bl

to my nose by a sticky

he hospital?" Daze said hysterically. I was abo

up, but suddenly I felt dizzy, wh

ike a fountain of blood coming from your nose" D

gay" Drake said a

e ball?" Drake added and

" I patted the handkerch

stand u

. they supported me towards th

ice." Daze. He quickly

next to Rei who was

te to sm

playing--" Drake stated looking at Rei. "--if

ut I still heard because we

e's the reason why I

t too... why was I lo

im for a while, I'l

this one who left. That's why R

t of si

er... I overreacted and said those things."

stopped talking when I faced i

own eyes, long and thick lashes. His col


looked in another dir

bloody nose." he continued wi

just hit in the nose"

me which I immed

ly when the ice pack

*ll was th

to her eyes, I felt li

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