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Bonded to His Twins Alphas

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1475    |    Released on: 27/03/2024


ghboring packs are present, in peace and harmony, to watch the p

northern side of the room. Raising my gaze as I walk slowly with Daddy Kyle next

er. Knowing my own heart is troubled, I tap hers. I allow her cal

es are lit softly, allowing the presence of the greatest of them all,

r judgment. It troubles my heart and leaves m

fewer flaws than they do.” Say

a once in a blue moon thing. My

next to each other and facing the throne whil

t to me. “We’re ac

lling my ey

A feeling erupts inside both Evelyn and me at that point. One that elevates our sp

ightened at that point, as

on. My brothers and I learned the act of resilience and persistence through Kaya. Today, she has blessed this land with these new rulers who will rule in a new era. Life, of which we have f

ules of this land, both of us must take your path. You shall vow to protect this land till your

is was indeed a new beginning. Daddy Kade has said it all. We are in a new era, and t

se, new rulers. Be reborn under the power of the

There’s a split second of silence before D

e shouts the words to t

ive the

ive the

ive the

t believe it, but here we are. We are the new Alphas, r

every enemy of our p

hear Evelyn’s voice inside my

us. I have no fear of the journey ahead; perha

where he’s sitting with mom. His voice caused her

Entering, my brows raise a bit. There are decoration

end, where the other tables are joined with ours, so we can be the cen

lence in my mind. There’s the vibe. You just know that a lot of peop

he foods come in. “In the course of this

nto my being as a relief. Daddy Kyle hel

emits from my face at th

o please eat that. Fill up your stomac

the cool demeanour. Basically, my character is the sa

ere were entertainments that did make me relax my muscles for some time,

she has to carry all the burden.” A fruity masculine voice

never misplace. “Justin.” I call his name, and he lea

e takes the next seat to us, which Daddy Kade was on before, but he’s no longer here. My

e the worry your face etches

.” Says Evelyn as she leans closer. She’s sitti

gement in this room. N

s not

with Evelyn. Justin keeps quiet in the m

knows the meaning of ruling the throne, it is you and I. We’ve been a

“Don’t tell me you got that speech from somewhere.

of such sentences. Justin, on the other hand, is more of a playful brat, and that’s why he and Evelyn are closer. L

he shrugs, and

owed it.” Justin laug

ced from these people who are to rule, and you, brother,” Justin gives me the eye. “You’re a witch who’s not e


ight before I leave the room, I hear Jus

ce, and that’s the roof, where I’m alone wi

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