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Hunger By: DasviDAniya

Chapter 2 Still Just A Prank

Word Count: 1052    |    Released on: 19/02/2024

After all, Matt wasn't fit; he was on the huskier side of the scale. He was obese, but he honestly didn't like to think about that. Food, sweets, and video games were his coping mech

her words. She had helped him countless times through the years. She was his safe place. He also undenounced to her that she was the only girl in the school that he had a crush on. She was more than just a pretty face; she was compassionate and had saved his life

d at Matt. She saw the worry in his eyes change to something of delight as he started to ramble off what his lunch was. She could see the quiet thanks in this body language; he was no longer tense

a crisis, they were taught to look to the teacher for guidance. She could tell by his furrowed brows and tense demeanor that he wasn't positive; this was just a senior prank. Her eyes

being dropped on the floor. "You bit me! Dante! Snap out of this; it isn't funny! Someone help!" she screamed. Before that could be heard over the intercom was another wet ripping sound mixed in with someone's or something's mewling whimpers and the sound of gurgling. Gurgling like the sound a toilet makes before it backs up. Although to everyone in the school, it was clear this was no joke, if it was, it had lost its humor. Even though the intercom was off, what they had heard still sent chills throughout everyone. This had the collective of students keep silent, although frozen in fear. A long silence followed, and later, the screech of the intercom coming back on jarred the already terrified faculty and students. A rough, gravelly male voice came out of the speakers. "Hello, mmm classmates... Delicious classmates and, ahh, treats... I mean, teachers." Now, the voice

now. Sabrina watched Mr. Monty run his hands through his graying hair for about the thousandth time before she spoke up. "Maybe we should get a hold of other teachers in the building and work

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