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Chapter 5 More memories

Word Count: 2142    |    Released on: 23/02/2024

ded me of home. Sometimes I missed home but knowing how much was at stake I just couldn't. I had stirred up a jar that I was not ready to dip my finger into yet. I put on my earplugs and took hold o

t fifteen I was a fully-fledged soldier for the family and I enjoyed every bit of it. My father had made me and somehow I knew this was his punishment for

and his breathing to get myself out of the holds of my cage. I try not to think about all the things that my father says whenever I go through such an episode and I almost manage to get it all out of my head. Most of it except the fact that with my anxiety I can never survive in this world. I can already see all the ways that

from the man helping me, or the two girls watching from a few paces off. I take out the small bottle and take a pill from it, popping it into my mouth and chewing it slowly. I know it won't take effect soon but the problem is only one. If I swallow it all it will be lethal for me and I do not wish to die, even if my life is hell, it isn't hell

y. I can tell it is not voluntary since I am also succumbing slowly. I open my eyes but just enough to see a hood being put over his eyes and then one is put on me. I do not struggle with them as I know they are my father's men, also I do not have enough energy to keep pushing around with them. I

nergy on opening my eyes. That will at least help me out. I acted stupidly and now I am paying for it. Who on earth just chews on something so lethal in an attempt to right a wrong? I am sure my father is very proud of me now, sickly proud. I almost smile at that thought. In this world, it doesn't matter the connections you have wit

ng my teenage years. It is the voice that groomed me for what I stupidly did today. The voice of the man I have been trying all my days to ensure that he is proud of me. I am well aware that in our world he cannot afford to seem like I am his weak point even though I am damned near well aware

have read on the same say. I feel exhausted from trying to figure things out but I am also very curious to know what has happened to me. I let myself stop struggling and try to calm my mind down enough to stop racing. I know above all things that letting my mind race is not going to get me a solu

al to the floor and the huffing of a seat, I presume, from his weight. If I had the strength to, I would have smiled about it, as I remember how much we tease him about putting on too much weight in order to build muscle. I wait patiently, only having trust in my ears and brain as they seem to be the only bits of me that are functioning. It is f

o stop your heart from beating with a device that is in your pocket together with something else. The enemy knows you and is out for your blood. By the time the paralysis wears off we will have buried you. But I have taught you well, haven't I? Kenya awaits you. I hope I will see you in the future. I love you darling daughter.)" My father's voice speaking f

end up doing and this time I did far much worse. What stands out most is the fact that he is still trying to cover for me. Trying to take care of the loopholes I have put in his plan. Yes, the man he wanted dead is dead but I did so with a public bang which looked like two romantic lovers who were making out but in our wo

mehow she had just made my mind her resting ground bringing with her all the baggage of my past life. A life I had tried to bury deep down so that no one would see it. She just had found a way of illuminating my most hidden

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