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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1702    |    Released on: 30/01/2024


art drumming wildly in my chest. The movement made me gasp in pai

heavier as I took in the state of my body. I was naked. I dragged the blanket up my skin, the terror of what

s all a bad dre

e blanket closer. A movement caught my eyes and my b

over the back of his head, then squinted and froze as he saw me, his eyes flaring in surprise. The door to the ba

ppened, but I was sure I'd been violated. Was this all a plan... He'd told me just before I lost consciousness that Margo had told him I liked him.

ted, choking on

this" Raphael grow

d Ignoring the pain I felt or the blood that stained the bed scarl

away from the house and everything crashed in on me. I fell to my knees and cried and cried until I couldn't breathe. I didn't want


e and when I stepped into the h

ards me when she sa

ened to you..." She fussed trying to

e is she" I got out, my

said she was going out

d been right, she'd left me there... She'd left me there t

came back with a shirt. "You should put this on first... Why are you with this bloody blanket" she fretted, yanking the bla

s I stumbled out of the house. Let her call the cops because

toward our favorite hiking spot, the pain In my c

saw Margo's car. She was here. I hiked up toward the last spot we'd co

I saw her, looking dire

r life huh... Was it all you thought it was going to be" She grinne

. You let me..." I broke down in tears, covering my face with my hand.

n laugh made

You're even more delusional than I thought. I h

bfounded. "What are

e! You stole everything from me, you stole what should have been mine! Did you think I was just going to let it go? And th

of yours on him. You were so pathetic and that's why I let you g

ad Miguel and Raphael... " I couldn't finish my sentence as the pain in my chest intensi

this all on yourself self" she sa

Margo. You're going to regret

... I wasn't even at that party last night, I was at a book club just like I told Mom I'd be. You were crushing on Miguel, you went to his room

er. "Why? Why did

perfect, so kind, but you're just a sore loser an

of my property to make sure you land in jail I will, and I've let the abuse I suffered in the hand of your mom go because of you, but now I do not have to. I'll make sur

smacked into the back of my head. I crashed to the floor, sta

pain spread all over my system, blood trickling from the gash o

ld know your place... I was going to stop at wh

oing to ruin my life, Eve. I won't let you

ed me higher until we got to the very edge of the cliff and she pull

nkling on her shirt. "Don't..." I gasped, unable to form words a

ovement from behind the rock before I plunged through the air and crashed into the dark water below. The water knocked the air out of my lungs, filling it instead with its vicious spikes. I struggled for some seconds, images of the faces of my mom and my d

e they all burned for what the

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