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Teased By The Billionaire

Chapter 2 Race 2

Word Count: 1514    |    Released on: 18/01/2024

photoshoot ran and ran up to th


od you are he

ddenly disappear? And now you have almost

ure me now, I still have

and you also disappeared fr

answer my

iting." He pulled my hand and took me to my own dressing room. "So if I were you, I would fix m

ir.I took off the jacket that I had grabbed from the man's condo

ery dark purple and red.I touched my lips to see how swollen my lips were. I couldn't help th

's just.. weird. It feels strange to know that someone else has done this to me. That

door snapped me o

?!" Danny shouted

e a sec!" I

it q

s racing suit or else they will see the hickeys on my chest. I opened the door and s

ut, Red. Now let's go!" he said, a

as directing the shoot. We went through our normal routine and then it was finally time for the photos. I t

out. I nodded and waited for t

picture flashed in my eyes, I felt the came

f the photographers say. I took

heard the photographer say. I did as the pho

n!" the photographer called out.I

Mr Torres is waiting for you, he wanted to

in the direction of my father's office. As soon as I entered

Did everything go smoothly?"

ing worked ou

I'm so proud of you. That's my daughter!" My

and a professional car racer. If only Randy didn't get in

o work here. I'm also continuing what my brother started. We shar

even weeks, but we never gave up. We always made it work and succeeded. Now, Randy has an injury from hi

w to operate the bike and even drive it, he knew what to do, everything that he had learned to do before he even became a driver. And to top it all off, he loved working on cars, so did everyone else

bering the times we rode that old car around

u that your grandfather came back here in t

But after hearing the news 3 years ago , Randy decided to leave for Manila. I couldn't understand what happened between them, but I know my brother was really unhappy a

nder pressure from that ol

ause trouble for h

r grandpa is inviting us fo

yes." I

ress, you know your old

a great day. " I said sarcastical

ye to him. I called Danny to take me to the

I heard him quickly apologize to me. I stopped in my tracks when I heard the familiar baritone voice and

e I was, trying to

" Danny asked me with

e. "I told him and

I got inside, I ordered a coffee a

immediately went stra

his session was already done. I

laimed. I hear

ou." He said, pullin

giving him anoth

nother race. You did well. "

smiled, and

brought you here?

dpa is back here in the Philippines, h

t. The old coot, you must m

fully and punched hi

im! " I grumbled. Randy chuc

We are going to look for decent fo

anny to help the nurses move

me stuff, we went to eat at McDonald's restaurant. After ordering, we sat in a booth in a corner of the restaurant e

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