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Being The Doctor

Being The Doctor

Author: prince15

Chapter 1 going to give birth

Word Count: 2321    |    Released on: 04/01/2024



e's going to

o come back tomo

child is c

m still in a hurry! Tch!", I compl

heard the cry of a woman. Just look at how young he looks. About 16 or

itioned myself in the middle of his thi

son is co

on. I wasn't ashamed anymore.", I

still in her uterus. "Push! 1! 2! 3!" I s

e! Bw€sit you man! After you r

y to make a fool of

! Hmp! Ahhh! Wohh! Wohh!"

ause you don't know how to stop! Because you don't know

s in the hole! Ahh! Wohh! W

push I'll pull the kid! T

le! Are you re

ious so go ahead if you don't want


have a lot of patients lined up outside. I can barely eat because of my work. Hey, it's really hard to be a

ease!" My assist

rest for two minutes, and t

today. It's an old man with his grandc

y back

ult that you


right time yet, I tell you." I s

man complained and sat back

the one with the headache. Please help me. Do you really want to li

tor is crazy." His

ard t

randson." The old man

, your docto

old I'm craz

it could go away. Too bad it might hurt my back eve


also spitting in her red fitted dress that is above the knee. She sa

y chest


ver with

woman said flirtatiously

low that shallow d

h it and y-you! You just said that it's lawlaw?!", the woman sh

in my whole life being. And I know the big differ

iss me!" It sc

ght that you alrea

Is he okay?" Mrs. ask

check on his condition. The results had come so we

r has Glioblastoma." I answered directly. This con

ate it." Mr.

distant organs. GBM's can arise in the brain de novo or evolve from lower-grade astrocytoma." I promise seriously. "Glioblastoma is an aggressive type of cancer that can occur in the brain or spinal cord. Glioblas

ut his wife quickly supported him. "Our daughter, Seb

Houston. His expression showed depression and sadness at

her. You can find another doc

octor? You don't have a dead patient in your hands yet. Treat my son. I'll do everything just to treat him.

er her to another doctor." I promised

ng and crying. "Dr. Jarren, please, cure our daughter. Please save her. I'm begging you. We can't lo

o that! Stand up, please." Mr. Houst

!" He shouted at his wife. It turned to me. "Please, name the price of your service. J-just save her! Save

Doctor, I wouldn't be able to do anything. All I can do is to prolong her l

known. "Is there no other way to save my child? Dr. Jarren, I can't lose Kelsey. She's my only child. I'll

or Glioblastoma patients. But no. I can't risk the life

meone's life for the sake of

tian? We can't lose her!" Mrs.

ill be gonna be fine. We won't lose her." It wi

I said good

daughter, one year is far from here. Glioblastoma was a very severe case. I

t just to overcome the current study being do

serious Sebastian Houston entered and s

I do for you?" I formally asked even i

is the answer. The determination to h

ghter. I can't risk her life for my experimen

That's why I'm giving you the life of my daughter. I trust you. Save her."

t M

e looking into my eyes. It was shaking and a drop of tears came from its left eye until it increased and it completely cried in front of me. He bowed h

ton Company was crying and begging in

octor's job is to help anyone wh

e's right. I'm a doctor. No matter how much I consid

her doctor." I

d see hope in his eyes. "R-really? T-thank you! Thank you, Dr. Jarren! I o

me, Mr. Houston. I have

son is with the best doctor. I know you will not

r. Houston." I reassured him and shook hi

odel and of course she's the one who was supposed to be the bride

ob and entered. I c

I'm fine!" Kelsey firml

You need to get better." Convincing the Mother of

" Kelsey said sternly as she p

to stay here so you can be treated and cured." Hi

ou understand that?! I'm fucking fine! I'm

it's hard to accept but that's the truth. Son, we're right here by your side

he stubbornn

perfectly fine. I'm fine, mom!" It said. He was obv

eated! To get rid of your pain!" His father

diately attended him and hugged him. Tears kept pouring out of his eyes. "M-mommy... I c-can't be s-sick! what ab


e at a loss for words

. "D-doc Jarren! It's you." Mr. Houst

her tears too. She looked

an at

the patient." I said as I put

alk to you." Her mom said as s

She said as she rolle

two? I can't t


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