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The Alpha Revenge: A pawn in his game

The Alpha Revenge: A pawn in his game


Chapter 1 Episode 1

Word Count: 965    |    Released on: 10/12/2023


one more time. She sobbed quietly as she shook her head In disbe

day when she had returned from work and had found her

sister down to the hospital and the doctors had responded to her while she waited outside p

had questioned, fear wr

w, I can barely say she's a hundred percent save if treatment isn't administered almost immediat

unt of money, even her job as a photographer and some other part-tim

ence the treatment that she'd go in search of the money but the doctor blatantly refused insisti

bled down before her, Diane was all she had left and she

ng had waited together with Diane for their parent but they seemed to be delaying. Little Diane who was age ten and was already crying and whining for food left young Aisling with no option than to comfort her younger sister, she

so long, she had it in mind that once her parent had come to pick them up she'd pull playfully at their ears for coming late. But to her dismay, her parent never came unti

at had happened until she was of age. Uncle Ryan had robbed them of their parent's property because they haven't left a will behind, that had given him access to claim all their parent inheritance leaving them with nothing. She had

he wouldn't want to miss a day else he would have her salary witheld, even if she'd explain that her sister is lying lifelessly

t she saw, eyes as puffy as someone that had cried for long which of course she did and dark circles covering her eyes as an evidence that she had

ignposted that reads "part-time worker needed, apply urgently " she sighs and promised to go apply when s

s her heart skips as she knew he wouldn't take it easy on her even though she

ee me in my office after you settle in" he grumbled and s

dered why he wanted to see her, she wasn't too late fo

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