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The Lycan Academy

Chapter 2 Welcome to the Lycan Academy

Word Count: 1085    |    Released on: 15/11/2023

g in the moonlit clearing, a newly awakened creature of the night. The forest

Lycan Academy awaited, a haven for those like me. As I navigated the dark paths, the mo

patio. I stood at the wrought-iron entryways, awestruck by the glory of the put that would become my haven. The night disc

meanour. His sharp eyes evaluated me, taking wi

. You will find your roommate inside and you'll be debriefed. Welcome once a

ounded he knows my name. S

, feeling a blend of ve

ars into t

if I ca

imaginings. The dividers embellished with old embroidered works of art whispered stories of werewolves

y as I made my way through the patio. A male student with an impressive figure with a reputati

rom the surrounding students, resounding through the patio like a haunting refrain. Wrath surged

heavy thud echoing moment

aw, his eyes narrowing in both sur

riends intervened, pulling him away just as his expressio

th messy hair, appeared next to me

rve to hit Hunter Romano. I'm Ansel yo

id, putting his arm

ltercation with Hunter. Ansel, my assigned roommate, exuded an easy conf

m you're not to

woman with an air of power that rivalled Vice Principal Leinman addressed the student

eclared, her voice resonating through the hall. "Embrace your abilities, learn, and forge bonds that wi

tasy or fictional thing. Werewolves? who in their right mind would believe any o

true. Mythical creatures of light and darkness roam the earth D.

thing's going

ademy's social ladder, with Giselle Helsing at

and her influence extends to her relationship with Hunt

e Lycan Academy play as we proceeded to ou

wer couple, their bond solidified by a co

cCarthy twins, are well-known fo

oup of people who app

they can act a little bitchy sometimes. I can't blame them. If

rivalries, and factions influence how we live our daily lives. You've just

raction evident even from a distance. He and Giselle kissed for a long time in the corner of the courtyard, their affection evident even from a distance. The social environment became more

h comp

he academy illuminated by the silvery moon, I

f werewolf society, I know that every step will bring me close

't have to punch

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