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Chapter 6 Revenge In mind,,,,,,

Word Count: 2380    |    Released on: 25/10/2023


ith est

ael's mans

chen, it was gigantic an

e and took the first

. It was cold but she was hungry it wasn

th all the staff in the kitchen they were all staring at her.

only explanation that cam

filled with silence, was

nio the che

need" The chubby young

n't like to be referred to a

ster?" Antonio

oesn't matter, o


d meatballs, extra s

d and all the maids

in the kitchen when

up to your roo

here" Anna

ble in the kitch

said and began to prepar

tes and it smelt better than anything An

ed for seconds. Her appetite had increase

e meal was delicious." Annabelle sai

he table then ra

fused then he smiled

, in all his seven years of cooking for Rapha

te and le

began to hum a ha

t wait to


der if she had followed

oked when Raphael was showing

to see a maid who would give her dir

she finally opened

ke her's but a few steps forward

luxury, it loo

ic, it looked so c

ll straight into the bed and start

ill cold fro

a greater heat coming from a di

went wide open w

phael's room, who else woul

was so warm that

uatted down and put her h

nitely a gi

mperature suddenly dropped and

had frozen the water, as she tri

hide,she finally jumped into Raphae

dera Hotel

n tinted glasses and a fur jacket

can I help?"The recept

she purposely stood at a position at which

e take the elevator" The reception

tion she was shown, took the eleva

on finding room 45 s

she stepped in. The door w

ing men in suits they were all

The main boss said p

scary was the scar on his face but the rest of

with her face down, she was s

d calmly, Clara tremble


y, but she's his mat

o someone who

ter give me ti

e to destroy the Smiths, your paym

'll take back the career and

just need someone to remove his wife

at, the council of wolves

e how the

ess. I'll leave them help less the way they left me an

ael's hou

closet, Raphael walked

eathing, still alert he took of

cent hit

hly. She had messed up his bed but he wa

traight in

is whisper's loud and c

lled her

overing her mouth and remembering

el ch

late, I'll call you Coco.

belle sighed very quietl

ay to him, how would she e

she stepped on an object, looking down it

y she was angry she didn't know she felt lik

ly and Raphael jumped off the be

kay?"He ask

e been in your close

cting up because of their proximity, but she was cut

Raphael said and

n him pushing him down to the floor with herself untop fangs came out and she gr

osphere more sensual even

shirt off in one go and just as Raphael was about to

or was wearing a vin

ir dyed green to match his eyes

as to happy for

ly to be answered back with silence. He looked down and

He said panicking, Raphael didn't ans

st as his legs could carry hi

her eyes has sh

she stood up, and bolted in ano

wn the stairs and he too ran wit

and faced Raphael who also stoppe

at me but you love m

y cousin"He

y you a designer wheelchair with a bell tied to it's wheel, so whenever I hear a b

" He said shakily Raphael grabbed him and ruffle

n Raphael's lips then i

n Leonard had been there for four years. And h

but you are a betray

ied in my ab

sed to be y

to design you

id dramatically, he was a design

it's a long story, thirdly how do you know

istening" Leo said and jum

uncil of W

meeting place, located

Alpha's of the three pa

the blood moon pack an

re already sited be

Alpha of the bloo

ain leader o

g to an important business" Damian said and sat

ious as you should?, soon there'll be an extra chair for the rouge

ly didn't l

at a woman should be doing in the council"Damian said and Val

ickering we are here

ely, there is a recent increase in witch activity

d things are up to know go

as a migration of violent

ntist caught one and cut it open they'l

do?"Gaius s

e a team with t

nd bullets. They'll clear forest of

uct a mass slaughte

rolled h

red and the problem would be solved jus

hback twenty t

de the house were men hold

three inside w

cleaning the tears of her

cared" He sob

for some reason the

m, for the last time. Her husband Ben hugged

aid and kissed her

a" He said kissing h

nd bruce"Ben said

e and they both sto

r backs when Bruce sp

ou leaving me"

ed down her eyes, she didn't tu

, I'll be back and I'll teach you how

ed, his adorable eyes lightened up, with much ef

from their son's eyes Ben kissed his

ent about his wolf it was scar

en's. They both jumped out of the door togethe

"They screamed, the fight wa

the wolves left happily th

even when a hot piece of iron feel on one side

olled down f

ng daddy's i

make a

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