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The Innocent Wildcard

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 880    |    Released on: 20/10/2023

ction. Taylor had challenged me to step out of my comfort zone since I had been playing it safe in my fashion choices. My wardrobe had broadcasted that I was

e need to get your makeup just right too," she

tle, though,

s, which had a tantaliz

no push-up bra. We don't want him getting

. Then, the debate moved to shoe color. "

ss." Her touch felt like a soothing spa f

ed, in awe of th

, where I was greeted by my own reflection. My skin was flawless, the makeup had hidden imperfections, and my lip

!" I

it again,"


r down for th

ascaded down in long, fing

t me reconsidering my relations

ughter. "Is she

us there. Now, text h

ood personality and good looks. Me: "Hey, Matt, are you busy tonight?" As we

ve any plans tonight. W

going to the clu

nds good. Mind


" I questioned Taylor,

ut there. You have to do it if you want to meet someone special. You can't jus

pushing that,

im. I'm not lettin

ere," I said as I walked a

pped her arm around my neck in a h

ing in place to pry her

. I have to go out. It's a big step, but it has to be done. We walk

p, half-down style. She is beyond pretty; she reminds me of the actress Megan Fox. I always wondered if she ever tried to model.

, you lo

how good I taste l

cia looks at me and double-

my waist like


eveled up, right

we were approached by Matt, who I had de

ylor asked in co

nd turned me around. Matt had dirty blonde hair tucked be

," Taylor introduced herself

ted them before

ing up at his dimpled

I'm shocked I w

et me started on

a victim too?

like a tes

that's funny." I liked his voice; it was warm, not too deep, not too light.

," I wav

ime to party!" Taylor s

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