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The Sweet Seven

The Sweet Seven

Author: prince15

Chapter 1 Secret

Word Count: 2208    |    Released on: 02/09/2023


t. Okay Bros?" I raised my little finger at the same time to seal

Hunter whispered.

. Daddy. He was smiling but

ill be going to have a long conversation...so please.

. "Well. Someone called my office and


called your Dad so that he can t

rds the door to go out.

mad at me?" I

u're my kid that's why I know you better than the ot

left my room. I'm lucky becaus

d the table while Winter washed the dishes after we ate. Mommy doesn't want to have

e. "Tomorrow I will go to your school and the

." my groin But

e afraid. Daddy is a lawyer, right. Chee

Mommy scol

.". Daddy said maki

are caught are not allowed

st la

n, Marco! I'm goin

d fainted as we walked to the Principals Office. The Secretary greeted us then

really exploded. Because her face is thick, she imitates me from the girls she know

addy scolded. Then he sat in the cha

r son, Seven, who committed a sin and as the

to punish my Daughter without any Trial? Do you know that we also have a la

es. Why? Because this young man here sitting in front of m

cell phone and Dad started playing what my brother had recorded. I can see how he block

ainst this giant man. Well let's all meet in court. By the way

" he asked us ou

hen we left. "Yo

ssrooms." Dad kissed us one by one on the

your room we're gonna be

e. Andro is in Asa Junior High like Hunter and Winter while Rei is in

shared a party at the same table. We were l

e that guy? That's bad

everyone has

you again. In dinamirami Because you can trip me up

ghed at him at the same time. W

e really gotten the attention of those in Senior High. Their fathers are all handsome. Rei is the same. And the only woman who stands out besides me is

oing back to your clas

Brother. Andro is busy so he

o Brother Andro. It's just busy but dear! Come o

they don't develop with each other. After all, Lorie really loves Andro e

d looked at what Rubioz, one of Marco's teammates, said, b

n I looked at him again. And I hesitate to smile at him. We're not close, so I'm surprised tha

u. Seven.

ht. And you're the Rubioz of th

. Can w

it laughed again so I laughed too.

Oh It's just Marco. It's just lack of attention or maybe he did

z... he took the Bag and then left. Wow what is that? Paepek factor

st thought you might want to

terest in such things. Besides,

It's okay to cheer me on. Because my ot

ur girlfriend with you. It's not the one you o

"I don't have a girlfriend that's why I invite

ile. "I'll think about it. After all,

n't you go home at 1:0

lker, you'll imitate that Marco!"

No. I like your attitude. You're different from our schoo

ates who were still sitting and eating. They laughed at me s

s! When do you think I'm going to back you up! Hmp!" and I w

goodbye to Daddy as well as Mommy and they both agreed and so did Papa. Papa is still teasing me that next ti

ith us Sister?" Winte

watch the practice game o

d no idea that you al

!". I messed up both of their hair.

of cheer should I do? If the other girl is yelling 'go baby go baby shoot that ball' what

C.R. There was hand sanitizer there so I cleaned it and dried it. Then I washed my hands.

I told you that his appearance wouldn't work w

weakly. "You'r

ot a womanizer or maybe he's just a little girl. The Referee blew his whistle so we took our pla

l when it was stopped by the noise of the cheering, we all looked at who it was and Seve

en you defeat that I will free yo

d goodbye to the Referee then he ap

st to get noticed, looks like someone

d Seven get off the bench. Then he sat on the benc

okay." it

ll pass you by!' I

ing were also noisy, but Seven was noisier, even t

won and Rubioz lost. I should

en's type. There are a lot of bebots out ther

caught up with Rubioz there. I didn't move him. We just look the same. He finished dressing first so I got dressed


. "Dude, you're cool. D


The thickness of his face to

he's hard to get. You've been paying attention to her for th

my girlfriend. A little more a


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